Saturday 25 December 2010

This Babylon of Corruption, Criminal Human Rights Abuses, Secret Organised Torture, Surveillance, Stalking & Harassment to Persecute, Traumatise & Mind Control People


On this yet again cancelled Christmas Day (Saturday 25 December 2010), we, Viviane (Kia), Ben (Yobi) and Rachael (Zia) Anamuah are having to deal with evil being done to us deliberately via military grade directed energy, electromagnetic / microwave torture in the early hours of 02:55hrs GMT and 03:48hrs today. There were at least 2 other times between 08:00hrs – 08:10hrs then at 09:00hrs, of lesser degree, across my (Viviane Anamuah's) back, when I was still in bed trying to get much needed sleep. It is also done to the brain and various other body parts and organs. It is done to wake me from sleep and sleep deprive for days, weeks and months at a time, which is widely known as torture. Sleep deprivation is used to prevent recuperation and recovery from previous electromagnetic / microwave attacks, so that some form of serious illness and quick or slow death becomes inevitable. How can these be "non-lethal" weapons? The liars who call them "non-lethal" have the luxury of doing so because they are using these weapons on other defenceless people, not on themselves. How can the people who use these weapons be normal? It's not just what they say, but what they do that defines them. They are sadistic, evil criminals.

The perpetrators who use electromagnetic and microwave torture do so because they know it causes various symptoms like depression and other psychological disturbances like bi-polar disorder formerly known as manic depression. These criminals also use it to cause immediate and long-term pain and various types of headaches, hair loss/bald patches, impaired brain function, like memory problems, Alzheimer's, dementia, strokes (by specifically targeting the frontal lobe ie: across the top of the brain and left and right side of the forehead.) These criminals also deliberately cause brain and other tissue damage, aneurysms and embolisms, etc. – and that’s just some of the conditions caused to the head / brain areas.  Some of the other conditions, symptoms and illnesses known to occur from electromagnetic / microwave torture include various cancers, heart problems, muscle and joint pains, swelling and bloating of body parts, deep vein thrombosis, rheumatoid and arthritic problems, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), problems with internal organs like digestive, bowel and urinary ailments including incontinence - frequent and sudden urge to urinate and so on and so forth. This is done to waken, sleep deprive, humiliate and demoralise men, women and children in private and in public by targeting specific meridian points connected to the kidneys and bladder. These and other inhumane and degrading tortures and conditions are caused deliberately by morally bankrupt, evil people so they can watch the fruits of their twisted labour. These twisted people enjoy and prefer being evil. They enjoy watching the negative effects that they sadistically inflict on defenceless others i.e. Nazi schadenfreude; like malevolent aliens depicted in books and films etc, which begs the question – How human are they really?

So, because we may be murdered by these sub-humans at any time, we have started this blog, today of all days, when it’s meant to be the season to be jolly.

We start with our Case Summary originally to
Dr. Les Dove ( and include his reply, then the email to Mr. John Finch and the MC Mailteam follows that. Mr. Rudy Andria's translations of our Case Summary into French, Spanish and Italian can be found at
The compilation by Mr. John Finch of other Torture Case Summaries from around the world can be found at Other helpful information can also be found at the above sites. 

To anyone who would like it, we season our blog with a little spiritual salt and pepper from various places, every so often, to remind people that this ain’t all there is.

(Yobi, Zia & Kia)
aka Ben, Rachael & Viviane Anamuah

Spiritual Salt & Pepper 

The Truth About Habitual Liars of Words And Deeds Behind Our Suffering: 

"You are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's desires. From the very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies." - Jesus to the Pharisees
Good News Bible: John Chp 8 v 44

"But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practise magic, those who worship idols, and all liars - the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur."
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 21 v 8

"Those men are not true apostles - they are false apostles, who lie about their work and disguise themselves to look like real apostles of Christ. Well, no wonder! Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light!"
Good News Bible: 2 Corinthians Chp 11 v 13

"Come out, my people! Come out from her! You must not take part in her sins; you must not share in her punishment! For her sins are piled up as high as heaven, and God remembers her wicked ways. Treat her exactly as she has treated you; pay her back double for all she has done.
Fill her cup with a drink twice as strong as the drink she has prepared for you. Give her as much suffering and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
For she keeps telling herself: 'Here I sit, a queen! I am no widow, I will never know grief!'
Because of this, in one day she will be struck with plagues - disease, grief and famine. And she will be burnt with fire, because the Lord God who judges her, is mighty.
The kings of the earth who took part in her immorality and lust will cry and weep over the city when they see the smoke from the flames that consume her.
They stand a long way off because they are afraid of sharing her suffering. They say, 'How terrible! How awful! This great and mighty city Babylon! In just one hour you have been punished!' "
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 18 v 4 - 10

"Be glad, heaven, because of her destruction! Be glad, God's people and the apostles and  prophets! For God has condemned her for what she did to you!"
"Babylon was punished because the blood of prophets and of God's people was found in the city: yes, the blood of all those who have been killed on earth."
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 18 v 20 & 24

"But outside the city are the perverts and those who practice magic, the immoral and the murderers, those who worship idols and those who are liars both in words and deeds." 
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 22 v 15

"And of mankind, there are some hypocrites who say: 'We believe in Allâh and the Last Day' while in fact they believe not.
They (think to) deceive Allâh and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive it not!
In their hearts is a disease of doubt and hypocrisy and
Allâh has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies.
And when it is said to them: 'make not mischief on the earth,' they say: 'We are only peace-makers.'
Verily, they are the ones who make mischief.
And when it is said to them (hypocrites): 'Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad [peace be upon him]
Al-Ansâr and Al-Muhajirûn) have believed,' they say: 'Shall we believe as the fools have believed?' Verily, they are the fools, but they know not.
And when they meet those who believe, they say: 'We believe,' but when they are alone with their
Shayâtîn (devils - polytheists, hypocrites), they say: 'Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking'
âh mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doing to wander blindly.
These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. And they were not guided."
The Noble Qur'an: Surat 2:8-16


"They are deaf, dumb and blind so they return not to the Right Path." The Noble Qur'an: Surat 2:18

Why We Don't Join The Evil, The Doomed, Regardless Of What They Obsessively And Sadistically Keep Doing To Us:

"Do not try to work together with unbelievers, for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together? How can Christ and the Devil agree? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
"For we are the temple of the living God! As God Himself has said: 'I will make my home with my people who live among me; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.'
And so the Lord says, 'You must leave them and separate yourselves from them.' "
Good News Bible: 2 Corinthians Chp 6 v 14, 15, excerpt of 16

"Surely you know you are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you! So if anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him."
Good News Bible: 1 Corinthians Chp 3 v 16 & 17

"Whoever worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on their forehead or on their hand will themselves drink God's wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger! All who do this will be tormented in fire and sulphur before the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of the fire that torments them goes up for ever and ever. There is no relief day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, for anyone who has the mark of its name."
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 14 v 9 - 11

"On each side of the river was the tree of life which bears fruit 12 times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations. Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city."
Good News Bible: Revelation Chp 22 v 2


"They couldn't tame or possess the horse so they made sure it was the horse that suffered."

"Once a liar, a thief. Once a thief, a liar." - Great-Grandma Sarah

"If sh!t had value, poor people would be born with no arses!"

"When you feed the poor, you're considered a martyr. When you ask 'Why are they hungry?' you're considered a Marxist."


"To oppress a race [individual, family or group], and then label its reactions as mental illness is not only morally wrong, it is criminal and a fraud."
Dr. William Tutman (African-American Coalition for Justice in Social Policy)

"Psychiatrists [doctors, scientists, sociologists and psychologists] claim the title of "Medical Practitioner" in order to legitimise themselves. But this is similar to a Nazi Gestapo Officer claiming to be a Rabbi and have through greed and some perverse desire for power over others bitterly betrayed the ancient yet still valid Hippocratic Oath to "First do no harm"
Citizens Commission on Human Rights 1995 publication - Psychiatry's Betrayal

More helpful information at:

Tuesday 03 January 2012 13:00

Hours after writing on this blog:

 "When you feed the poor, you’re considered a martyr.
When you ask, ‘Why are the poor hungry?’ you’re considered a Marxist." 

and other things illustrating the hypocrisy of the criminals behind the suffering of us and others, we receive an example of their hypocrisy at work in the post from the Veolia water company saying: “...we’re going to keep asking until every household gives £2.00 a month for WaterAid to provide clean water for developing countries.” 
These developing countries are in the situation they’re in because of people who have the same mindset as the people demanding money and trying to bully us that they hate because we think for ourselves. Naturally, the situations that many countries are in is due to the hidden warfare, the hidden use of weapons of mass destruction like HAARP used by non third world countries, especially in the West, to affect weather, cause droughts, floods etc and they deliberately manipulate the economies of developing countries to prevent their self determination and economic strength and independence. These hypocrites in the West do not pay the true value of the minerals and natural resources they steal from the developing countries in Africa and elsewhere which would have been used to advance their infrastructure and which they would have automatically done, because they are not stupid as racist people like to think and they deliberately keep these people down with their constant interference and political and other mischief making. It is well known that sometimes the children who are taken from Africa and elsewhere, to live and be brainwashed / conditioned in the West, are returned as adults to cause social, political and economic problems and chaos in their own countries.

To all those who don't believe vampires, satanists/devil worshippers and devils exist see also 1999 film based on true events (1979 to 1981) ‘Atlanta Murders’, also known as ‘Red Ink’ directed by Jerry A. Henry. [Just the tip of a very large iceberg.]
also: The Atlanta Child Murders at TruTV's Crime Library (not because we believe everything they say but because a lot of information is there). As usual we hope you will think for yourself and make up your own mind. 
N.B. Just because Black people around the world do not always say what they think for whatever reason, doesn't mean they don't know what's going on.

So, when these patrons and presidents of these so-called charitable organisations like Prince Charles (president of WaterAid) write insulting messages to coerce people they are oppressing in their own countries into making themselves poorer with their already meagre resources, they should remember the part they have played in promoting
eugenics, population cullings, genocides, wars, biological warfare with chemicals and diseases like AIDS made in their own laboratories in the West to wipe out the very same people they claim they want to help with clean water, as if they have miraculously 'seen the light' when all it is they are doing is showing their stupidity.

People like us are already conscious of the injustices and suffering in the world and who and what is causing it and cannot help but be conscious of the real and sincere action that needs to be taken by wealthy and influential nations and individuals by leaving other people and their countries alone or dealing with them properly when they do have dealings with them.
There is no point in hypocrites trying to do to people like us (victims of their torturing e
tc) the same thing they have been doing to poorer countries – taking their resources to keep them poorer under the guise of helping others.

As Black people in a totally racist system/country here in the UK, we know only too well the situation of suffering people in the world at the hands of liars of words and deeds. We don’t forget that these are the same people who claim to be saving endangered animals in Africa etc, but have a long history of all kinds of atrocities and killing for fun, bloodthirsty sport,
hunting, experimentation etc, from time immemorial. How do we know our meagre £2.00 or whatever will get to these needy people? This is yet another way to keep people poor and down just like the international banksters, thieves and conmen have been doing also from time immemorial.

If they're not already doing so, water companies and other utilities could donate a percentage of their large profits to practice what they're preaching to the poor, if they really wanted to. With the resources they have, they could ‘start the ball rolling’ and build the infrastructure directly in the same countries they are saying they want to help and even employ the local people and be blessed for it.

The right way to help people is to cut out the control-freak middlemen and do so directly with sincerity, without interference and mischievous motives and without keeping people indebted to you just because you gave them £2.00 or £2,000,000, and by contributing to making the world a better place because we are temporary caretakers of it and its people, not their owners! We know The Creator and
real owner of this world is always watching and acting and is not going to look upon us kindly if we don’t do right by others, since we all know the day always comes when we pay for what we have done, regardless of our riches which will not be a protection on that day in this life and the next.

Below is the update of our situation covering the last year and months before Christmas, during and after it: 

On Sunday 01 January 2012 and for some days, weeks and months on and off before this date, concentrated targeting of electromagnetic torture was used on the visual cortex area (back of the head / brain area), especially on the left side to destroy the right eye. This is being done on a regular basis recently to cause pain, damage eyes and cause instant deterioration of vision, i.e. twisted criminals are trying to cause Viviane serious conditions such as blindness via this method and probably have already done so in others who may not be aware. Various other parts of Viviane’s brain are still targeted with concentrated electromagnetic shocks at specific times to cause constant pain all over, especially in her right hand and back and to deprive her of sleep just when Viviane is about to drop off. It is rare to have more than an hour of uninterrupted sleep, rendering her bedridden most of the day with low energy and in pain because of the way she is subjected to prolonged electromagnetic 'shots', 'stabbings', etc, on and off throughout the day and night. These latest attacks coincided with our attempts to enjoy ourselves a little with a Zumba Fitness workout because the degenerates can’t handle our having any fun, or singing or laughing together etc. etc. These are the people running the UK and others instructed by them.

On Monday 02 January 2012 and other previous days, there has been a concentrated targeting of Viviane’s heart, chest and back areas to cause her heart, lung and kidney failure, using sharp shocks to these areas and via the meridian points of the nervous system as well as to the immune and other systems of the anatomy to cause the complete physical breakdown of her body.
The swellings and overheating of body parts persist, especially to the left side of her body, where the targeting is more concentrated i.e. left arm, left leg, knee, ankle and foot and to directly affect the heart via main arteries in the left side of her body.

Ben and Rachael still suffer the affects of watching the evil being perpetrated upon their mother. They still have no life, they still have to do much of the household duties, errands etc. We are still not safe to work or study outside, we have no social life or any decent quality of life, all because evil twisted subhuman people are allowed to continue in their perversities with use of military grade lethal weapons of mass destruction on targeted innocent civilians / people like us.

Good News Bible: 2 Peter Chp 2 v 13 

God willing they will all be paid with suffering from God for the suffering they have caused and are still causing right now as we write this (at 18:45 Tuesday 03 January 2012) with prolonged hits to Viviane’s left knee while she’s lying in bed writing this with Ben and Rachael. We are still being subjected to illegal and intrusive surveillance 24/7 by the UK authorities without justification. We are still completing our application to the European Court of Human Rights.

The Noble Qur'an: Surat 14:16 & 17
“In front of him (every obstinate, arrogant dictator) is Hell, and he will be made to drink boiling festering water. He will sip it unwillingly, and he will find a great difficulty to swallow it down his throat, and death will come to him from every side, yet he will not die and in front of him will be a great torment.”

Good News Bible: 1 Peter Chp 5 v 8 & 9
"Be alert, be on the watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him, because you know that your fellow-believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings."

See: Secret Covenant that's not so secret according to the New World Order (NWO) - Is there a truth here? Courtesy of Mr. Martin Hossack / - A real eye opener!

See original copyrighted poem 'Lord, Why Did You Make Me Black?'  By inspired poet Ms. RuNett Nia Ebo.

For a beautiful, uplifting, superb album check out ‘The Best of Labi Siffre

by inspirational poet, singer/songwriter & musician
Mr. Labi Siffre. For 30 second previews of the tracks see Nokia Music.

Friday 02 March 2012

For some weeks and months, the UK Government and those they instruct have still been systematically torturing and abusing Viviane to cause her more and more pain and incapacity by deliberately targeting areas to affect mobility, targeting her hip and pelvic joints in the hope that Viviane will eventually have some kind of invasive 'surgery', whereupon the torturers and ‘medical mafia’ can snoop and rummage in her body just as they did in our home while we were being illegally and wrongfully detained in separate police cells in 2008. The mad scientists are still determined to steal our genes (eggs/sperm*) and various body tissue by force for sinister motives; breed us with especially but not only, White genes, because of their perversities and because to them we are just specimens to be used and abused and killed at their convenience. They already stole Viviane’s blood by withdrawing vast amounts in vials at the Wembley Crawford Medical Centre GP’s office and in Park Royal Centre for Mental Health. What did they do with all this blood? We and others have our suspicions. To them we are not human beings in our own right with our own free will, with our bodies belonging to us - especially with our being Black.
*Please see 1999 film based on true events (1979 to 1981) ‘Atlanta Murders’, also known as ‘Red Ink’ directed by Jerry A. Henry.

One of the reasons they obsessively watch us is to gauge the effects of their evil, pseudo-scientific actions upon us and then decide how to worsen our condition physically, psychologically, emotionally, financially, socially and personally. Obviously we are not the first they have done these and other things to and we won’t be the last since nobody does anything to stop them. Every time we write the new areas they have been targeting with electromagnetic etc torture, on our European Court of Human Rights application or this blog, the UK Government and other perpetrators change the concentrated targeting to other parts of Viviane’s body. They are causing bloating and misshaping of Viviane’s body and targeting her right hand (to cause difficulties writing diaries etc), both arms, neck, back, shoulders, legs and both feet (causing pain, swellings and bunions); and also targeting ears to cause tinnitus, hearing problems/deafness, as well as targeting her heart, lungs and chest to cause problems like wheezing, breathing difficulties - especially when the torturers use their weapons through the top of the head and directly through to the windpipe as was done to Viviane in the early hours of Sunday 13 May 2012 to damage it and affect, destroy her speaking and singing voice, [Whitney Houston and others? Probably], by also combining it with direct torture to her back / lungs to affect air lung capacity. They are obviously able to cause collapsed lungs and other organ failure as well as various cancers via this method. They are specifically targeting these areas, blood vessels and meridian points connected to the heart and circulatory systems via Viviane's arms, especially upper and underside of her left arm and across the neck and shoulders to cause heart failure in order to get her into hospital by any means necessary, to cut her open and do serious permanent damage, after helping themselves to whatever they want. They are also targeting her legs, especially the right one to cause problems like blood clots, thrombosis, embolisms and aneurysms wherever they can.
They are targeting the visual cortex of the brain to cause vision problems and blindness. Other specific areas of the brain are also targeted to bring about disorders of the nervous system, to prolong the onset of sleep, to waken, sleep deprive and cause insomnia, to cause stroke etc, as well as destroy brain function and they are trying to cause long and short term memory problems, even Alzheimer’s / dementia, premature aging and still preventing recovery from previous tortures through constant sleep deprivation. The circulatory, hormonal and other systems of Viviane's body are targeted via meridian points also. We are still having to spend our limited resources on painkillers and expensive vitamin supplements to try and alleviate the effects of torture, constant pain and stress.
The UK Government and their operatives are deliberately trying to impede our progress with everything we do, including our ECHR application, with all the above.
Ben and Rachael’s lives have been destroyed, not just because they have to do more to help Viviane but mainly because of what these morally bankrupt and corrupt organisations and individuals have been doing to us for 24 years. The lives of all 3 of us are not safe as long as these and other things continue.

The culprits targeting us try to find more and more devious and undercover ways to carry on undetected by others, sometimes using short sharp shocks to Viviane's heart, brain and other internal organs as well as to other areas of the body, virtually every day, before Friday 02 March 2012 and since then including today – Thursday 22 March 2012. They hope that these subtle but frequent hits will do the job of causing serious damage to her, to get Viviane into the hands of the 'medical mafia'. We suspect many people, not just us, would have been in normal health, and leading normal, productive lives if it wasn’t for the evils being perpetrated upon them by twisted psychopathic degenerates in positions of power that they shouldn’t be in. 
Behind all this are evil minded people with a God complex who do not want to do right by us or others and have decided that the Natural Laws of the Universe and basic International Human Rights laws apply to everyone else but them.

If you are experiencing any of the things we have written about or similar, you are probably being systematically tortured and suffering inhumane and degrading treatment by criminals who are violating your human rights and they are committing crimes against humanity because it has been widespread for decades.

Spiritual Salt & Pepper

How like the evil, they’re all the same.
First they befriend
then they advise
then they suggest
then they bribe
then they insist
then they threaten
then they force
then they arrest
then they imprison
[hospitalise/section in mental hospital] 
then they destroy.                                   

Adapted from the short story 'The Medics' in the  book 'Daughters of the Sun' by Obi Egbuna 

“Do not let anyone look down on you [or use and abuse you] because you are young [or Black, or poor, or alone, or anything else]...”
Good News Bible: 1 Timothy Chp 4 v 12

“God bought you for a price; so do not become slaves of human beings.”
Good News Bible: 1 Corinthians Chp 7 v 23
“Let nothing disturb you, God alone suffices.” 
St. Teresa of Avila

“Do you believe that there is only one God? Good! The demons also believe – and tremble with fear.”
Good News Bible: James Chp 2 v 19

Wednesday 07 March 2012

Facebook decided yesterday that we were sending spam when it was obvious we were not. Without asking us anything they shut down our account.
To The Perpetrators Targeting Us, What Do You Look Like?

What do you look like when after 24 years of persecuting, stalking and torturing us with psychological abuses, you shut down our Facebook account yesterday after just 3 days of using it because you are too terrified for the truth to be known to others?

What do you look like when hours after shutting down our Facebook account you use your weapons of torture to wake Viviane by targeting and injuring her heart and chest areas, to punish her/us for daring to tell others of what you’ve been doing and keeping up the torture to accelerate major health problems so you can get what you want in hospital – what do you look like? 

What do you look like using all these military-grade weapons of torture on innocent defenceless people, in their own homes, beds, like us, who have no way to protect themselves? How is it you can always find time and money for unnecessary wars and torturing people?

To those who are so crazy in love with the idea of being God, of controlling everything and everyone to the point of  persecuting, stalking and torturing innocent defenceless people like us because you want to artificially, by force, make lots of different versions of Viviane, Ben and Rachael Anamuah in your laboratories by stealing our eggs and sperm so you can have fun playing with them and our stem cells and implanting equally avaricious and morally bankrupt bloodthirsty women with our tissue / genetic material. These same women are desperately waiting in the wings like rabid dogs.
This is also to those who are dying to experiment on our offspring because you think we have the ‘good genes’ you like. You have decided with your tiny understanding of things spiritual, with your wishful thinking
man-made rubbish and with help from others equally as lacking, that our names and births mean this or that, that Viviane is 'gifted', 'psychic', a 'healer', will be useful to you and your evil motives, would make lots of other 'psychics' and 'healers with powers' that will save you from yourselves, will enhance your existence/races. What do you all look like? If these offspring came about and proved you wrong because The One True God says “NO!” what would you look like then? We didn’t tell you or anybody else we were psychic or that our bath water had 'healing properties'. You decided all that yourselves after you got the same book we bought from the bookshop (around 2000, “The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden” re. childhood of the Messiah known to some as Jesus Christ) during one of your stalking expeditions. What do you look like?

What do you look like when you are obsessively and selfishly seeking to obtain obtain stem cells from us under the guise of helping humanity while at the same time trying to give us cancer and whatever else by force, via non-consensual experimentation before and daily exposures of microwave torture to Viviane now? 

What do you look like when you already tried to kill Viviane via a near fatal contraction of malaria in Ghana (1998/1999) due to adulterated vaccinations given before we went, which contained immuno-suppressants and other things enabling the deadly level of parasites and malaria to occur? You told the clinic to “Save the children, not the mother.”

What do you look like when you use persons in and out of the news with the same names as us to make us feel threatened or try to influence us to do what you want? E.g. 54 year old Vivien Morris giving birth to her own grandchild in 2001.
What do you look like when you are trying to get a 52 year old woman’s eggs by force to the point of killing Viviane for them? Who else did you do this to?

What do you look like when you are so terrified of the whole ugly truth about what you’ve been doing being known far and wide, you go into panic mode and try to gag us by not just shutting down our use of Facebook after just 3 days, but make our own family and Black people mistreat, reject and isolate us when they do have dealings with us – what do you look like?
What do you look like when you’re so terrified of others having anything to do with us, you terrify them from doing so?

What do you look like when you don’t ever stop your obsessive-compulsive voyeurism of us (even in the bathroom and toilet) to the point of using your weapons of surveillance, satellites, passing vehicles, aircraft, using
neighbours with mobile equipment to constantly watch and torture us, as others have testified is happening to them?

What do you look like when you stalk us to the Ghana High Commission and get them to ask Viviane [while you’re listening on the phone] “Would you allow your children to marry White?”

What do you look like when you and the Metropolitan Police and others insist upon spelling Rachael’s name ‘Rachel’ because you are desperate to make her see herself as, and make her like the Rachel of the Bible, the mother of the Benjamin and Joseph tribes of Israel, because you think she is highly intelligent and desirable in other ways. Don’t you look like the fallen angels who were thrown out of heaven for lusting after and mating with the women on earth? What do you look like when you are so desperate to get your hands on us/Rachael that you are driving yourselves crazy? Don’t you look like psychopaths with the history and potential to kill the very thing you want, in your satanic ‘sacrifice a virgin’ rituals?

What do you look like when you follow us all the way to Ghana (1998) to cause us and others problems and force us to come back to this sorry CCTV surveillance capital of the world you call Great Britain?

What do you look like when you use the police to terrorise us (2008), break down our door twice in four days, arrest, handcuff and detain us in separate police cells the second time, so you could go through our things and steal our clothes (again) just to see if they would heal you. Did they heal you? No. So why are you still bothering us?

To those who don’t know what time it is, watch out! Especially if you are Black or Black and put The Most High God before the evil and haters of everything good.

Saturday 21 April 2012

The Use of Military-Grade Directed Energy and Neurological Brain Satellite Weapons to Cause Mental Illnesses

For many months, electromagnetic etc. torture is being concentrated on Viviane’s brain – top left of frontal lobe, upper arms and lungs – especially the left side, parallel to the heart.
When the top left side of the brain is targeted (the right side is also) it is done to destroy the frontal lobe and the dopamine system.

This is what Wikipedia says about this region of the brain:

“The frontal lobe contains most of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in the cerebral cortex. The dopamine system is associated with reward, attention, short-term memory tasks, planning and drive. Dopamine tends to limit and select sensory information arriving from the thalamus to the fore-brain. A report from the National Institute of  

Mental Health says a gene variant that reduces dopamine activity in the prefrontal cortex is related to poorer performance and inefficient functioning of that brain region during working memory tasks, and to slightly increased risk of schizophrenia.” 

The above would explain some reasons for the disproportionate number of Black men, women and children incarcerated in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, etc for abusive and racist reasons in the UK, US and elsewhere. Please see: Mr. Rudy Andria's blog.

With the above explanation it is not difficult to see how electromagnetic / microwave torture, directed energy and neurological, brain satellite weapons are being directed at specific regions of Viviane’s brain and those of other people with the aim of causing schizophrenia and other psychological and physical illnesses /conditions including tissue damage to the brain, heart, chest, lungs and other organs / areas to cause  serious cardiovascular, respiratory etc, conditions and fatalities.

Corrupt, abnormal persons still obsessed with us are still trying to make us mentally ill / depressed artificially by force, by using daily regular covert torture even when Viviane is in the bath! The criminal torturers are still trying to cause us much distress, keeping Viviane incapacitated. They are trying to cause serious neurological conditions to manifest by the physiological destruction of her nervous system as well as complete nervous / mental breakdown. They are also viciously trying to shut us up and cause Viviane's collapse with heart failure, as well as cause stroke and impaired mental function and speech with paralysis to the left side of Viviane's body, hence the daily regular covert electromagnetic etc painful hits to her brain, body and organs - especially to the heart, chest and lungs and to her arms (mainly the left one). They are still inflicting painful torture 'stabs' across the base of her neck and shoulders, upper and lower back and legs (especially thigh bone area) to deliberately curtail activity, cause serious damage and keep her in pain, to cause an addiction to pain killers that they always watch us buy when they stalk us and keep tabs on everything we do. They still use these sharp torture 'stabs' every day and night to wake her and deprive her of sleep. They are continuing the bloating and misshaping of her body with the aim of making her have a complex about herself. These and other things are done with the intention of weakening us psychologically, physically, in every way. They've been trying to make us the complete opposite of our true nature from the beginning. We are still suffering criminal abuses at the hands of evil twisted people determined to incarcerate us in hospital for evil motives already stated. 

The decades of evidence around the world makes it obvious that these are not "non lethal weapons" but are military grade weapons of mass physiological and psychological destruction which have caused, are still causing much suffering and many deaths of innocent defenceless people.

See also:

Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Use of Military-Grade Directed Energy and Neurological Brain Satellite Weapons to Cause Physiological, Psychological and Emotional Problems

Electromagnetic etc torture is used to cause constant pain and swelling at the site of the area targeted with torture weapons. This page on fibromyalgia (muscle pain) explains in detail certain aspects of pain and symptoms but does not mention the connection with electromagnetic torture which is spread all over the body via the meridian points and channels to cause more pain, inflammation, swelling, bloating and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) as well as various levels of obesity which would explain some of the high numbers of obesity conditions in the UK and elsewhere, blamed on the victims themselves, which is also deliberately done to cause self hatred
and body dysmorphia , especially with Black men, women and children, since others hate their naturally healthy, youthful looks and athletic bodies/builds.

Vindictive twisted persons with inferiority complexes are desperately trying to give Viviane the same - a one-time avid jogger, keep fit and ballet enthusiast (as they know) - another reason why mainly her arms, back, belly, legs and feet (but not only) have been targeted so much over the last year.  These criminal parasitical characters lie or use whatever they find out, against you when they go digging in people’s lives, homes, belongings, diaries and in our case in 2008, our written prayers, personal goals, dream diaries etc, while we were being illegally detained at the police station following our wrongful and illegal arrests at our home without justification or any warrant. They are obsessed with destroying her/our self-esteem, confidence and keep trying to give us hang-ups about ourselves because we don't back down or join them. Neither are we seeking their fake remedy in the form of cosmetic/plastic surgery to cut/suck away excess weight gain and whatever else.

The Cycle of Obesity Deliberately Caused by Sadistic People Systematically Electromagnetically etc. Torturing Others

It would not be far-fetched to conclude that the onset of serious conditions of the nervous and physiological systems like multiple sclerosis, motor neurone / Parkinson’s disease can and is sometimes caused via long periods/years of electromagnetic etc torture, especially to vulnerable persons, e.g. with a genetic predisposition. This is why the authorities need to know the family medical histories of targeted individuals, in order to bring about things like the above (to appear as hereditary) as well as other serious illnesses like heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and strokes, pretty much anything, because the immune system is being deliberately broken down with continuous concentrated and targeted torture and abuse to enable nonfatal and fatal illnesses to ensue including tumours and cancers. If what they have been saying on radio talk shows and news items is true, regarding increasing numbers of Black people diagnosed with ovarian, cervical, prostate and other cancers, it is obvious why, now.
What percentage of people on welfare, disability / incapacity etc benefits are being subjected to or affected by these tortures and psychological abuses because vampiric sub-humans get a kick out of torturing and traumatising people (children and the elderly too) over and over again? They carry on their perversities, voyeurism, spying and eavesdropping in the hope that they can witness the target's slow deterioration into madness. If the person was to become unhinged and mind controlled to kill, the voyeurs would watch that too with relish as they've no doubt done to others, for example Victoria Climbié - probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Since electromagnetic torture has been taking place for decades, we suspect previous generations who have died of various conditions were subjected to the same directed energy and neurological weapons of electromagnetic and microwave etc torture, sometimes unbeknownst to them but probably known in various ‘scientific’ and ‘medical’ fields (including psychiatry) for their own evil ‘research’ and gain in the pharmaceutical industries who are adverse to natural remedies and alternative medicines for obvious reasons. Illegal and immoral human experimentation and abuses have not just been taking place in the U.S. but the world over especially on Black people in their own countries and in the West. Other histories of abuses and deaths via secret human experimentations like the History Of US Secret Human Experimentation above are still being uncovered.

I chose the twelve of you, didn't I? Yet one of you is a devil!”
Good News Bible: John 6 v 70
(Jesus dealt with like-minded people and said it like it was)

“So do not be afraid of people. Whatever is now covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known.”
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell.”
Jesus to the disciples, (to the people / us).
Good News Bible: Matthew 10 v 26 & 28

What goes around, comes around -

Monday 02 July & Tuesday 03 July 2012 - 23:30hrs

So, the torturing to cause serious internal pain and damage continues and the perpetrators always come back and carry on regardless with another method or new area of the body to attack. Over these 2 days, it is now being done intensely but covertly to Viviane's lower right side pelvic area  i.e. ovaries and fallopian tubes, as well as to the top left side of her brain, across neck and shoulders, arms, chest and legs etc, etc, etc - still trying to cause the complete physical and psychological breakdown by any means necessary. The authorities never stop their evil against us because they have had their set agenda for many, many years. They have stolen 24 years from each of us (Viviane, Ben and Rachael) but it's still not enough for them. They are desperate to end this situation by ending first Viviane's life prematurely and traumatising Ben and Rachael as a result, so they can then have complete control and influence over them.

We (Ben and Rachael) are not stupid or likely to become so. We also know the different methods used by obsessive megalomaniacs to control the minds and lives of people.
They would like the complete takeover of us two, if these control freaks could have their way and get rid of our mother.

They would rather cover up the whole situation by killing us than put it right or leave us alone. More often than not, killing is their answer to everything especially where Black lives are concerned since they see our lives as cheap. Thankfully, God does not think or feel the same way.

If something is wrong, it is wrong. It does not become right because the people behind it are White, or rich, or influential, or desperate, etc. Nor does it make a difference when other races are employed to target us by proxy.

The Existence of Mind Control Weapons in NATO Countries

Below is our extended version of a statement based on John Finch's, originally to the European Parliament. He is another targeted person and compiler of Torture Case Summaries from Around the World.

There is no law in the European Union countries prohibiting malevolent individuals, organizations and governments from using mind control weapons on people. The absence of such a law allows the continuance of widespread, illegal, unethical, immoral and inhumane experimentation and torture with military grade weapons by remote means via satellite and mobile equipment. Serious criminal international human rights abuses are being committed with these technologies / weapons by various governments of the world, in and outside the European Union on unwitting citizens. Enactment of a law prohibiting such weapons should also mean that there are teams of investigators armed with equipment that will detect and verify when and how victims are being subjected to torture and abuse to their brains and bodies, in order for their complaints to be acted upon thereafter. The perpetrators should be prosecuted for breaking the already existing privacy laws and violating persons by causing them to suffer the indignities of being continually spied on outside and in their homes, especially when they are supposed to be in their most private moments e.g. relieving oneself, bathing etc.
The law should also entitle complainants to have their cases investigated even where no torture / abuse has been officially verified. The perpetrators of these crimes should be officially exposed, held accountable and tried by a criminal court whether they are the Queen of England or the ordinary person in the street because innocent people are being made seriously ill, have died and are still being murdered every day. 

Thursday 20 September 2012

The illegal parasitical surveillance inside and outside our home continues; so too the electromagnetic etc torture abuses day and night. Every time Viviane tries to get some sleep or rest she is hit with the torture to waken and sleep deprive to cause deliberate pain with the intention of inflicting serious illnesses to her by destroying the DNA, nerve and other body tissue in various organs especially in her brain (to cause Alzheimer's / dementia by force). They wish to destroy the tissue of her heart, arteries, cardiovascular and reproductive systems because they’re not getting what they want. 

We (Ben and Rachael) are still suffering watching the effects of our mother’s suffering. We are still deprived of a normal life and the indignities that go with that.

To view our redacted case file given to the European Court of Human Rights please see:

Monday 24 September 2012 - 16:30hrs

At the risk of sounding dramatic,  we are stating the following just in case this is our last entry because of what has been taking place over the weekend, in the early hours of this morning and all day today via extremely vicious electromagnetic etc torture, sharp shocks and stabs to the left side of Viviane's body and other places, (even in the groin!!) to bloat her body and cause chronic exhaustion preventing her from being the active person she used to be. They even resent Viviane eating normal healthy meals and hope she will starve herself, have no defence at all from their lethal torture so that it would cause her quicker demise. They are targeting the main arteries in the legs and arms etc, to send her blood pressure sky-rocketing amongst other life threatening things.

The evil racist perpetrators doing all the aforementioned to us are urgently trying to cause a stroke, paralysis of the left side and hoping to bring about a permanent wheelchair-bound disability especially after they get Viviane in their ambulance, hospital whereupon the medical mafia can do anything and everything they have wanted to do because of their vampiric perversities. They have already taken lots of blood. Do they mean to be full blown cannibals now?!
They have no doubt been trying to legitimise / justify their evil with crazy ideas that others have happily lapped up. Any right thinking person is able to see through their masquerades and disgraceful lies.
They are desperate to make us / Viviane pay for the truths we have spoken and revealed throughout the years we have been targeted. But even before we spoke up or had a blog, these psychopaths were intent on doing us great harm and indeed behaved viciously and bloodthirstily causing us nothing but undeserved suffering because they decided 24 years ago, when they began all this, that they owned us and were intent on possessing us as if we were nothing but insentient specimens and insignificant objects with no lives, minds and destinies of our own.

These mindsets are living amongst normal, decent people knowingly inflicting abominable tortures upon us, and then have twisted reactions as though we have no right to be angry or stand up to them (the way we are taught to do by the God we believe in). They maliciously blame and target us because we don't become their slaves. Obviously, we don't have their weapons or an army to stand up to these tyrants. We have truth and right on our side. They do not. They are completely out of control, they have no restraint. They should be rounded up, locked up and given a taste of their own medicine with interest as Revelation 18 potently states, instead of being allowed to run wild like the monsters they are. How have they been allowed to carry on with impunity for so long when everyone knows who they are and how they've been operating against defenceless people like us?

They are fully aware they are doing wrong but they are greedy and selfishly concerned only with what they want and to hell with the effects their abominations have on others. 
The question still remains: What do they want with our bodies? 
They have no justification whatsoever. They are just violent sadistic tyrants who get off on inflicting suffering on defenceless adults and children and are addicted to doing evil. They do not deserve to live amongst normal people. While still doing all the evil they can get away with, they have the audacity and arrogance to tell us we must forgive them without even a feigned apology beforehand! These are the kind of people we are dealing with and others who know better go along with them probably all the way down to hell. When the time comes, none of them will be able to talk their way out of trouble with The Most High God as they do with others.

"So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick." [Whether they believe it or believe in the existence of  God or not.]
Good News Bible: Proverbs Chp 1 v 31

Thursday 08 November 2012

The Use of Noise Harassment to Target People & Sleep Deprive

To view an article on noise pollution and example of noise harassment logs (between 2000 and 2002) we sent with it to Brent Council (as mentioned in our ECHR application), see:
N.B. While the authorities were saying one thing in the article, they were doing another when it came to us, by encouraging the neighbours to continually harass us by their inaction despite our going to them many times when we lived at 2 different addresses.
As stated in detail in various documents, all levels of authority were complicit in targeting us with this and other forms of inhumane and degrading treatment. Other forms of harassment consisted of, persistent hammering and drilling, bouncing and kicking balls and loud talking outside our door, booming music and honking car horns just when vehicles are passing our home on what was / is supposed to be a quiet residential road. These things still occur, as well as the daily and nightly torture from electromagnetic, brain satellite neurological weapons and the other abuses.

Everything the cursed perpetrators of evil madness have done / are still doing to us and innocent others, they’ve already done to themselves but worse.

“To me [Almighty God] belongeth vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”
King James Bible: Deuteronomy Chp 32 v 35

Friday 07 December 2012

The Big Lie

Did any targeted individual consent to being used, abused, experimented upon, degraded or killed with use of these weapons?
We know we didn’t.

How is it some people who are supposed to be targeted individuals are saying these very same pain inflicting weapons are able to help / heal people? Why the conspiracy of silence and secrecy if that is the case? Now that this torturing is becoming more widespread knowledge, why this diversionary tactic (false claims of helping people) and sudden spin, PR and damage limitation crap? The above lie is just being used to justify their keeping and using these weapons to abuse anyone they choose. Why do these weapons cause immediate and long-term excruciating pain, injury / damage, debilitating incapacity and other side-effects, if they are supposed to help people? Why are these weapons used to wake people up and prevent them from sleeping? Even when the rest of the family are not being targeted with these weapons they are still affected when all the above is done to their loved ones. What is the point of that?

It is obvious that the control freak mentalities torturing people with electromagnetic etc weapons have no intention of helping anybody but themselves to profit from inflicting all kinds of suffering and illnesses upon others. Their mindset has always been to profit from wars and disease, etc. The leopard doesn’t change its spots, neither do the devils addicted to doing evil as history attests.

We don’t tell people what to think, but as Black people we can’t afford the luxury of deluding ourselves since the very same mentalities have been trying to cause our demise from time immemorial, with all kinds of methods concocted in so-called ‘scientific’ and military laboratories. The origin of AIDS, other viruses and all kinds of abominable injustices and experimentations on Black people is widely documented now, but the whole sickening truth is still covered up as usual.

These torture weapons are certainly not intended to heal / help Black people. Electromagnetic torture used on or up the genitalia or thrust up the posterior is designed to cause discomfort, in the least, distress and cancers, at worst. Neither are the same weapons used to help people when they are targeted in the brain, cardiovascular, nervous system, hormonal and immune systems, etc. etc. This is a perverted, brutal way to carry on.
The sadists who do these things probably bullied and tortured animals and other children when they were young and are still tyrants bullying and torturing others then enjoy watching the effects on the helpless.   

Whatever happened to leaving the body alone to let it heal itself, if at all it needs it? Since when do we need torture weapons to ‘heal’?

I Viviane Anamuah am officially stating to you torturers that I do not need or want your weapons to ‘heal’ me. You can stop your torturing of me as of now, 14:00hrs, Friday 07 December 2012. My energy will then return and I will do what needs to be done for myself, as I did before you bulldozed your way into our lives, sleep deprive us, sometimes for days on end while you take turns to get plenty of sleep, in-between shifts to torment us and destroy our lives.

Consider this: Imagine irrational people kicking down your front door and insisting you eat and drink what they have come with. They refuse to leave. Everywhere you go in the house (including the bathroom and toilet), they follow you with the same food and drink you made clear you do not want and keep trying to force feed you. They still refuse to leave your home and carry on persecuting you when you go out, with other irrational crazy actions, etc, inflicting all kinds of madness on you and using others to do the same. This lunacy around us is crazier, more twisted and sinister than that to the point where even when sleeping or when they think your attention is deeply engrossed elsewhere, e.g. watching TV, cooking, etc, these psychopaths are still trying to force feed, i.e. carry on torturing with electromagnetic / microwave weapons on whatever lower (but still damaging) frequency they think they can get away with. The pain and suffering never go because the torturers never stop. They interfere with your body clock, biorhythms and every way your body functions. You never get a decent sleep, you never wake up refreshed. They are deliberately trying to make you depressed by force and keep you functioning on the lowest possible level. All energy and normal activity stops so nothing gets done. This is one of the ways the control freak authorities get people into their psychiatric and general hospitals and other institutions – please see Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (FULL VERSION). These evil criminals are here to steal, kill and destroy, just as the Bible (Jesus) states in John 10 v 10. This has remained a conspiracy of silence for decades with everybody knowing and people going along with it that shouldn’t be, just as happened with the Jimmy Savile and co nationwide mass child and adult abuses which took place in various institutions and hospitals, recently reported in the UK media along with the accompanying hypocrisies. Various atrocities and criminal human rights abuses like this and what we are experiencing are taking place in a climate of collusion, duplicity with pats on the back for those who look the other way, including family and so-called friends, neighbours, work colleagues, officials, etc.  

Saturday 08 December 2012

So What Happened Last Night?

More of the same torture because these criminals still have a God Complex and are immoral.

Question: Where do psychiatrists place electrodes for electric (torture) shock ‘treatment’?

Answer: At the temples of the head.

Which is exactly what was done to Viviane for the first time this a.m. around 05:42hrs with as much pain and viciousness as the torturers could muster designed to depress her, make her suicidal etc. This was done in between other hits to her brain, face – across forehead, on and around eyes and hairline and many other parts of her body.
We are not going to be confused into madness or become depressed, bi-polar, etc so that you sadists can incarcerate Viviane / us for your evil motives. We know exactly what’s going on and why.

These godless liars are obsessed with being all-powerful, deciding who is made sick, who is allowed to live or die and when; who is helped or hindered; who gets a decent education and who doesn’t; who is put in care, 'sheltered' accommodation*** / care home for the elderly; who is set up, who is scapegoated /criminalised, locked up in prison / psychiatric hospital; who is sacrificed and who gets away with murder - literally.  Proper investigations should be made into the abuses and wrongful and illegal incarcerations of people in institutions, but the system is too corrupt to do it.

[***Refer to the threats made to Viviane / us on pages 9, 12 & 15 of Statement of alleged violation(s) of the Convention and/or Protocols and of relevant arguments of our European Court of Human Rights application]

The constant gross intrusions, invasions of our privacy have been taking place from 1989, for 24 years, 24 hours a day, every day of the week! Those doing this have a dangerous, unhealthy obsession with everything we do, how we behave, what we think, say, wherever we go, whatever we buy, cook and eat or wear, etc, etc, to feed off us like parasites, causing great difficulty living any kind of normal life and all while carrying on making mischief and trying to criminalise us, etc. While criminals carry on persecuting, targeting and feeding off us like vampires, they set up situations to stress and distress us so they can hear and watch how we speak, what we say, closely watch our mannerisms, how we dress, even how we walk! Then create White versions of us on TV and on the street! Truly bizarre!! – especially when it comes to Rachael but the other 2 of us have been at the receiving end of this obsessive sinister craziness at some time or other – extremely bizarre!!!

Friday 15 February 2013

More Proof of Criminals Conspiring to Cause Disabilities, Injuries and Sickness, to Hospitalise, Medicate and Surgically Mutilate People with Help from Electromagnetic Microwave Neurological Torture Weapons

Click image to enlarge

This newspaper, Maya News, covers West London, including where we live in Middlesex.

Under these entry dates: Saturday 25 December 2012; Sunday 01, Monday 02 and Tuesday 03 January 2012; Friday 02 March 2012; Saturday 21 April 2012; Monday 02 and Tuesday 03 July 2012 and Monday 24 September 2012 and after these dates – we have mentioned the concentrated targeting of Viviane’s left side of brain, left and right side of forehead, both temples, left side of her neck, shoulder, to the heart, and left arm, chest, abdomen, back, leg and foot, even the big toe (to make the left foot and toe much larger than the right foot). At this time of writing, the situation remains the same – major sleep deprivation and constant painful torture shocks to the left side continues with a vengeance, with the aim of creating anxiety, depression and as much vulnerability and weakness as possible to various areas to facilitate extremely serious strokes. The right side of Viviane’s body and all internal organs are still being targeted also, especially the lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys. The torturers have also been concentrating systematic targeting on Viviane’s face, in, on, around and behind the eyes and the right side of her face to cause deformity / paralysis now and with any intended strokes.

We have been clear with all we have written before we came across the above article, (on Tuesday 12 February 2013) the specific areas and damage evil Nazi-type butchers have been deliberately causing Viviane and others. We mentioned their deliberately causing her tinnitus and brain and other tissue damage, which the article claims doctors are trying to treat. The medical mafia and torturers are deliberately targeting their weapons at Viviane’s vagus and other nerves / parts to cause the very damage they say they are trying to treat. This article backs up everything we have said regarding the specific targeting and damage to Viviane’s body and the motives of corrupt, sadistic authorities, scientists, doctors, etc. behind it, who take great pleasure in destroying especially Black people and making their healthy, fit bodies physically and mentally sick, then using them as guinea pigs without their consent and for their own entertainment – this article verifies and confirms everything we have suspected and said is correct. They think their systematic atrocities over generations make them clever, when it just makes them evil. What is clever about heaping more and more curses on yourself and bringing about your own worse destruction sooner or later?

Persons in passing aircraft and in parked and passing vehicles outside our house still use whatever mobile equipment they have to gauge activity in our home e.g. where / how Viviane is positioned, where she has placed ice-packs when in bed, to then target those areas even more as well as others so she has to keep repositioning the ice-packs. The torturers are aware our present tenancy is about to end and are timing everything to coincide with that.
We have already experienced and exposed the deliberate attempts by authorities and cohorts to force mental illness in this family with extreme tactics, lies, persecution and other illegalities, as detailed in our ECHR Case File and Noise Harassment Logs. We are all doing our best to keep going.

It is obvious the perpetrators have been eagerly trying to force physical illnesses for some years now, for their own evil motives. They wish to make us victims of sicknesses that they can then experiment with various ‘treatments’ and abuses. The article above mentions an implant the medical / pharmaceutical fields have named “Vivistim”, which states it is to help stroke victims with difficulties using their arms. 2 questions immediately come to mind:

1. Of all the millions of names they could have given this implant, why name it “Vivistim”? It does not take much thinking to see the significance of this.
2. What else would this implant be covertly doing to somebody like Viviane, who they obviously intend to implant it in after causing a stroke by force? So much for the Hippocratic Oath!

We witnessed instances where Black individuals have been ‘triggered’ to behave in degrading ways e.g. suddenly standing up and dropping their trousers and underpants in public and standing half-naked in a robotic state, before being whisked off by openly amused hospital staff. On more than one occasion we have seen another person (probably also ‘triggered’) walking down the street in only underwear, without even shoes, in a very disturbed state. Obviously, people are being abused, mind-controlled to do these and worse acts, degrading and humiliating themselves, after which, they have to live with the consequences of people treating them as strange and keeping their distance. What about those who are, implanted with pain and other microchips and systematically traumatised, hypnotised to reinforce the mind control to act out of character, to be aggressive, attack, kill people and so on?
We have been aware for many years that certain things like the above were intended for us and probably still are. Corrupt, obsessive persons abusing their power refuse to leave us alone because they are determined to destroy us for not succumbing to them and exposing much.
It is true that the perpetrators of all kinds of evil are vindictive towards us and will never be satisfied until they can completely degrade, humiliate and destroy us in any and every way possible, as if what they have already done and are still doing is not bad enough. 

Tuesday 05 March 2013 – 12:30hrs

The daily sleep deprivation and covert torture etc continues – through the night and morning also. The targeting, surveillance etc will probably continue in the same vain as long as twisted torturers know where we are.

The godless liars of words and deeds are obsessed with having the all-powerful, all-seeing surveillance eye i.e. The God Complex, and were prophesied in the Scriptures. Their complete demise is also prophesied.

Monday 23 June 2014

To be clear, none of us 3 in this family have ever consented to any 'experiments' or twisted electromagnetic / microwave etc attacks, stalking, obsessive, perverse non-stop surveillance and all the other abuses and provocations being done to us. The sadistic torture continues to be inflicted upon Viviane (which affects the whole family) to cause continuous pain, swellings, bloating, misshaping, to waken from sleep and prevent any peaceful rest etc, ie all the symptoms already listed and for the reasons stated throughout this blog; especially to bring about serious debilitating physical and mental illness to then commit worse atrocities when, they hope, Viviane is completely incapacitated and unable to speak or defend herself from the medical mafia and co. We refer you to the newspaper clip above “Doctors Aim to Help Stroke Patients” and our comments directly after it. They are vicious, wicked and evil and their agenda remains the same. They are still using concentrated microwaving of Viviane’s left side of her body, especially the left side of her neck, arm, leg and foot. They are determined to facilitate serious seizures hence the reason for their constant targeting of connected areas involved in the cardiovascular, arterial, respiratory and nervous systems as well as her spine, bones and muscles in the hope that they will weaken them and the whole body’s immune system to enable a higher susceptibility to as much serious illness as possible. Their inhumane and degrading persecution continues with a vengeance wherever and whenever we move home and has been taking place for over 25 years now. They continue using more and more subtle, sly and sneakier ways to carry on watching, targeting and torturing especially by neighbours and from persons in stationary and passing vehicles, pulling away or parking near our home. Despite everything we have said about them in this blog, the criminal perpetrators behind the scenes and at the forefront causing us and others’ suffering come across as demonic bloodthirsty psychopathic savages devoid of anything, normal, decent, good or human and will never be the omnipotent force they crave. They are not and never will be The Most High God.

Thursday 20 October 2016 11:30 am

After the usual night of continuous torture to left arm, middle of chest, by the left collar bone and nervous system via various parts of brain, especially lower part back of brain, nape of neck, side of neck (vagus nerve) and various parts of the body (which has been continuing over the past days, weeks and months); causing the usual sleep deprivation - I go to see what has been sent to me on YouTube and see the latest veiled death threat. It was entitled "One Month Before Stroke Your Body Will Send You These Warning Signs". 

As yet, we have not watched this video but it’s probably going to say something about burning / painful sharp twinges, difficulty with movement of the left arm and so on, ie what the torturing psychopaths are deliberately causing Viviane and obviously many others. They have proved over and over again that they do not need a justifiable reason and that the person they target doesn’t have to have done anything to warrant these sadistic abuses. We are dealing with evil incarnate. 

Also, this video (the first time they have sent it to any of our YouTube accounts) was sent out of the blue – we have never looked up anything to do with strokes, heart attacks etc. Even more revealing, they chose to send this video hours after I, Viviane was showing B and Zee (adult son and daughter) the top of my left arm with the same pose the woman is using in the thumbnail picture with an arrow pointing to the exact area of the latest burn scars, bruising and permanent skin discolourations the torturers have caused with the same directed energy weapons that some people / liars are still falsely claiming are ‘non lethal’, ‘no touch’, ‘don’t leave any scars or evidence’ etc.

Pictured above: Viviane’s left arm. This area is continuously targeted. The criminal torturers watch Viviane massaging places they’ve targeted that are in constant pain. They torture to deliberately injure and incapacitate her. When these depraved psychopaths spy her massaging an area, they target that area more to increase pain, bloating and misshaping. They are obviously aiming to kill her, not just threatening to do so.

They have deliberately done this all over Viviane’s body and enjoy concentrating on the lower back of the head where they have caused large bald patches and around the hairline and top of the head where they have just cut the hair off completely along with causing bald patches. For those of you who want to know, this is what else is being done in the world to innocent people like us. It is obvious they are still having us under close obsessive surveillance which is nothing more than glorified voyeurism and abuse by peeping-tom perverts of the male and female variety. What else are these vicious, barbaric, depraved abusers doing to the voiceless elderly, young, vulnerable, disenfranchised, homeless and incarcerated?

While typing this update, we pick up 2 different items of junk mail that were not there earlier – both about The Air Ambulance Service wanting donations. Nuff said.

Spiritual Salt & Pepper 

The First Book of Enoch Chp 1 v 1 & 2: 
(the same Enoch mentioned in Genesis & Jude) 

The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed.

And he took up his parable and said – Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.

The First Book of Enoch Chp 100 v 8:

Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, who watch in order to devise wickedness [and lies]: therefore shall fear come upon you and there shall be none to help you.

More prophetic words from The First Book of Enoch Chp 103 v 9 - 15:

Say not in regard to the righteous and good who are in life: "In our troubled days we have toiled laboriously and experienced every trouble and met with much evil and been consumed and have become few and our spirit small.

And we have been destroyed and have not found any to help us even with a word: We have been tortured and destroyed, and not hoped to see life from day to day.

We hoped to be the head and have become the tail: We have toiled laboriously and had no satisfaction in our toil. And we have become the food of the sinners and the unrighteous and they have laid their yoke heavily upon us.

They have had dominion over us that hated us and smote us. And to those that hated us we have bowed our necks, but they pitied us not.

We desired to get away from them that we might escape and be at rest, but found no place whereunto we should flee and be safe from them. 

And we complained to the rulers in our tribulation and cried out against those who devoured us.
But they did not attend to our cries and would not hearken to our voice.

And they helped those who robbed us and devoured us and those who made us few; and they concealed their oppression, and they did not remove from us the yoke of those that devoured us and dispersed us and murdered us. And they concealed their murder and remembered not that they had lifted up their hands against us.

N.B. 1 The word "torture/d" is mentioned more than once in this Book of Enoch. So far we have not come across any YouTubers quoting this subject in Enoch but they’re happy to quote other parts; even the phenomenon of fallen angels mating with humans and creating the nephilim and giants.

N.B. 2 Viviane listened to this video on and off during the night / early hours of this morning when the torturers wouldn’t let her sleep - True Jew News _ CDC_s Racist Eugenics Attack on Black Babies.

Yet more prophetic words from The First Book of Enoch Chp 98 v 6 - 16:

I have sworn unto you, ye sinners, by the Holy Great One; that all your evil deeds are revealed in the heavens and that none of your deeds of oppression are covered and hidden.

And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart that ye do not know and that ye do not see that every sin is every day recorded in heaven in the presence of the Most High.

From henceforth ye know that all your oppression wherewith ye oppress is written down every day till the day of your judgement.

Woe to you, ye fools, for through your folly shall ye perish and ye transgress against the wise, and so good hap [happenings / things] shall not be your portion. 

And now, know ye that ye are prepared for the day of destruction – wherefore do not hope to live, ye sinners, but ye shall depart and die; for ye know no ransom; for ye are prepared for the day of the great judgement, for the day of tribulation and great shame for your spirits.

Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, who work wickedness and eat blood: Whence have ye good things to eat and to drink and to be filled, from all the good things which the Lord the Most High has placed in abundance on the earth; therefore ye shall have no peace.

Woe to you who love the deeds of unrighteousness, wherefore do ye hope for good hap unto yourselves? Know that ye shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous, and they shall cut off your necks and slay you, and have no mercy upon you. 

Woe to you who rejoice in the tribulation of the righteous; for no grave shall be dug for you. 

Woe to you who set at nought the words of the righteous; for ye shall have no hope of life.

Woe to you who write down lying and godless words; for they write down their lies that men may hear them and act godlessly towards their neighbour. 

Therefore they shall have no peace but die a sudden death....
[and so on and so on]

So what’s the answer? One of them is-

The First Book of Enoch Chp 99 v 3:

In those days make ready, ye righteous, to raise your prayers as a memorial, And place them as a testimony before the angels, that they may place the sin of the sinners for a memorial before the Most High. 

The First Book of Enoch Chp 99 v 6 & 7:

And again I swear to you, ye sinners, that sin is prepared for a day of unceasing bloodshed.

And they who worship stones, and grave images of gold and silver and wood and stone and clay, and those who worship impure spirits and demons, and all kinds of idols not according to knowledge, shall get no manner of help from them....
[and so on and so on]

It is clear why the enlightening Apocryphal writings like Enoch, Esdras, Jubilees and Jasher were taken out of the original Scriptures leaving the 66 books we know as the Bible.

The Most High knows and sees through all.

Wednesday 03 May 2017

So we have been preparing to go on a much needed, deserved trip. In the last 31 years we have never had a holiday. In their panic that we will be escaping their evil clutches, hindering their plans to butcher and mutilate, the torturing degenerates have decided to up the ante with their afflictions, oppression, destruction, attacks, battering, brutality and barbarism. Meanwhile the same evil perpetrators of our suffering are free to go on their holidays etc, and enjoy their lives. 

To all those who insist these torture weapons leave no scars what do they call what the below pics are showing?

This is what the sadistic twisted perverted criminals do to destroy the health, self-esteem and confidence of decent people they disfigure with impunity.
Not only do these torture weapons leave burn scars and marks; they leave discolouration, bruising, damage, short and long term injuries, bloating, swellings, misshaping, tumours, cancers and the rest already listed above.
This is what the psychopaths have caused in 2 weeks to Viviane's upper legs, especially the right one, causing much difficulty sitting and walking as well as excruciating pain and chronic fatigue. These depraved abusers continue to target corresponding areas of Viviane's inner right leg and right hand of her brain, head, face, neck, chest, back, arms, feet, all over, with their evil torture weapons.

They obviously hate us. They are doing all this with the intention of putting Viviane in their death hospital by force for her organs and whatever else they want to help themselves to in the hope that they (the psychopaths murdering all over the place) can live longer, disease free (with the organs of others) to carry on with impunity - they think. They also wish to steal Viviane's blood (to drink?), her womb, ova (eggs), etc, etc, because they think despite the torture they may still benefit from what they see as resilient 'special', genes / 'psychic abilities'. Please refer to "What Do You Look Like" above dated Wednesday 07 March 2012 where we mention this and more.

These deranged creatures are specifically targeting Viviane's upper right leg because they are keen to see Viviane's birthmark in order to replicate it with the replacement they intend to use in her place while they do whatever they want to Viviane in their underground/overground military bases, laboratories, death hospitals, etc. They are also in a hurry to cause some serious condition because Viviane is obviously getting on in age which they do not have any regard for because this is how degenerate they are and this is how the debased running the world drive defenceless people insane, disable, slow kill and murder them. Are these the same satanic rings of vampires and cannibals who get off on ritually abusing, murdering and sacrificing innocent men, women and children in order to drink their blood and eat their organs and flesh, who do other occult practices that witchy demonic control freaks do? All the evidence points to that. Is this the same weaponized accelerated cancer that was used to murder Lloyd Pye and probably others? How many more are suffering and are being murdered like this? 

The hard surround of the targeted area of Viviane's inner right thigh seems as though her flesh there has been 'cooked' from the inside, not unlike how the conventional microwave (radiation) oven works.

To other innocent sufferers:

The Beatitudes
King James Bible: Luke Chp 6 v 20 - 23
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled.
Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
(See also: Psalm Chp 1 v 1-6 & Matthew Chp 5 v 3-12)

To the hypocrites and devils: 

King James Bible: Luke Chp 6 v 24 - 26
But woe unto you that are rich! For ye have received your consolation.
Woe unto you that are full! For ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! For ye shall mourn and weep.
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! For so did their fathers to the FALSE PROPHETS.  

N.B. We - Ben, Rachael and Viviane are still pulling together and are in the process of completing a formal complaint relating to malfeasance in public office by the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) who have been vindictively helping to target us. We do not receive any state benefits/welfare or disability living allowance from the DWP anymore and live on our savings so we do not have anything to do with them yet they want to continue having something to do with us by force.

We have been caused many delays and have now had to stop writing up our complaint again to put this information on this blog. While we are writing this here around 14:00hrs, they continue to torture Viviane in the same leg area where her femoral arteries/nerves are located. They are definitely in a hurry to cause major seizures, embolisms, aneurysms, thrombosis, strokes, etc, etc. Do they wish to put various stents and microchips in Viviane's body by force as well as steal what we have already mentioned? Are they targeting her liver, spleen and kidneys through the meridians (please see diagram on Human Body Meridian Chart & The Nervous System)? Knowing these monsters, they’re probably trying to do all this and more. They truly are of their father the devil - as Jesus / Yahshaiah said - the serpent seed. 

It is now 17:09 as we complete this blog entry and the devils continue to constantly hit the same area on the right leg over and over.

Thursday 04 May 2017 – 10:00am BST

After more targeted hits to the same spot with the electromagnetic torture weapons to Viviane’s upper right leg area, yesterday evening, through the night and this morning, these are the results of the bombardment of radiation/microwaves:

Good News Bible: 1 Corinthians Chp 3 v 16-17
Surely you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you! God will destroy anyone who destroys God's temple. For God's temple is holy, and you yourselves are His temple.

The Book of Jubilees Chp 23 v 26 - 31
And in those days the children shall begin to study the laws,
And to seek the commandments,
And to return to the path of righteousness.

And the days shall begin to grow many and increase amongst those children of men
Till their days draw nigh to one thousand years.
And to a greater number of years than (before) was the number of the days.

And there shall be no old man
Nor one who is <not> satisfied with his days,
For all shall be (as) children and youths.

And all their days they shall complete and live in peace and in joy,
And there shall be no Satan nor any evil destroyer;
For all their days shall be days of blessing and healing.

And at that time the Lord will heal His servants,
And they shall rise up and see great peace,
And drive out their adversaries.

And the righteous shall see and be thankful,
And rejoice with joy for ever and ever,
And shall see all their judgments and all their curses on their enemies.

And their bones shall rest in the earth,
And their spirits shall have much joy,
And they shall know that it is the Lord who executes judgment,

And shows mercy to hundreds and thousands and to all that love Him

Day 3 - Friday 05 May 2017 

Inner right thigh.

Front view.

Left inner thigh.
Viviane’s inner thighs look worse because the evil haters carried on hitting her lower thighs through the night and continued to hit the same already badly affected area on right inner thigh to deliberately increase the bloating and misshaping in order to shame Viviane into refraining from taking pics. She has always been reserved but since the criminals are seriously trying to murder her, this is no time to be shy, hence the graphic images. In any case, I Viviane, did not do all this to myself so I have nothing to be ashamed of.

The torturing criminals let Viviane drop off last night, as opposed to putting her through the usual long periods of sleep deprivation. They obviously thought she would not detect them torturing/hitting her in the same spot and lower down the inside right thigh and on the inner left thigh.

The degenerates use these weapons to also cause loose and weakened muscle tone and loose lumpy bumpy skin tone that they know Viviane wouldn't have had without their evil devices, because they also know she used to do ballet, keep fit and run etc. and how her body looked before. 

It is worth noting a little of the psychology of these control freaks who obsessively watch (to devise wickedness, Enoch said), to fuel their inferiority complexes and resentment and constantly feel the need to compare themselves with others instead of just getting on with their lives and leaving others to do the same. They want you to have the same neurotic hangups that they have about themselves, by force. We’re not just talking about witchy-bitchy women here; witchy-bitchy men are behind this too and include various races and Black people! They are continuously obsessing over the outward appearances of things because they are basically shallow, which would explain their racism and other prejudices. We've heard it said that racism is a mental illness. If that is true, what is it when it's combined with all the other illegal, immoral and perverse activities these abnormal creatures insist on inflicting upon others they see as the source of all their hang-ups, insecurities and inferiority complexes?
So if they have issues about ageing, for example, they’ll take out their anger, envy and sadism etc. on whoever they think appears to be ageing better than them - especially if they’re Black. They don’t have the same issues with young looking Orientals, Aryan Asians and Arabs because they feel more closely related due to their oftentimes shared White supremacist mindset and agenda towards their own darker complexioned people.

Throughout history we come across characters and groups who have needed to bolster their weak mentalities, theories, beliefs, philosophies and superiority complexes by 'playing dirty', using blatantly crooked and unfair means to denigrate and exclude whoever they have an irrational hatred of. When sabotaging other people’s lives doesn’t produce enough suffering to satisfy the perverts and voyeurs, these relentless homicidal psychopathic maniacs then go on a bloodlust killing spree.

So if you didn’t get it before, maybe you see their mindset now and why it’s so important to them to disfigure, deform and degrade others. They are unable to feel good about themselves otherwise and fake their way through life. They expect everybody else to sycophantically pander to their fragile false image and go along with whatever outrageous atrocities they commit. They overcompensate their deep feelings of inferiority with a superiority complex and their use of torture weapons is their 20th and 21st century caveman club but more barbaric, much more diabolical.

These hate, group-think cults feel the need to egg each other on in their shameful activities because they are weak alone and believe in quantity over quality instead of the other way around. Ask The Most High, when Judah and his brothers or Gideon, etc were greatly outnumbered in battles but were victorious, if it was down to their number or The Most High being with them due to their righteousness and/or spirit. 

Let’s not just remember the White and other devils. What about the Black devils, hypocrites and false prophets in league with the guilty and depraved - some of them Hebrews and card-carrying masons? You know who you are and you’re a disgrace. You aiding and abetting accomplices of evil! You’re the same if not worse because you know better, or should do by now after your history and present day horrific injustices and murders by the same corrupt satanic people and system you’re in league with. D'you think you’re going to escape your evil? Some things don’t change. D’you really think you will cause suffering, use and abuse and sacrifice us and The Most High won’t make it rebound on you many times over? Deuteronomy 28 curses not enough for you, huh? You think you’re gonna get paid. The Most High has a message for you and any other diabolical parasites and devils going along with evil too - you will get paid, not what you want, what you deserve:

King James Bible: Deuteronomy Chp 32 v 35
To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense, their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them, make haste.

Good News Bible: Revelations Chp 21 v 8: 
Cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practise magic, those who worship idols and all liars – the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur...

So when some of you Hebrew Israelites quote Psalm 83 regarding how other nations have sought crafty counsel to destroy the real descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, remember, some of you bloodthirsty Black people and Hebrews are doing the very same thing against your own. This is called hypocrisy. The Most High doesn't deal with hypocrites, neither do we. You stink to high heaven and we can smell you from here!

Matthew Chp 23 v 13 - 36

Now let’s talk about the sleep deprivation aspect of their torturing. As stated under Tuesday 29 May 2012 above, the perpetrators behind our suffering found a way to have us illegally and unlawfully arrested and removed from our home so they could go through our belongings for no legitimate reason. Those criminals wanted to find something they could use to their advantage and came across our writings, personal prayers and dream diaries. They have noted how vivid the dreams were. There are parts of the Scriptures that talk about this, for example:

King James Bible: Job Chp 33 v 15 & 16
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.

King James Bible: Numbers Chp 12 v 6:
And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

Good News Bible Joel Chp 2 v 28
Afterward I will pour out my Spirit on everyone:
your sons and daughters will proclaim my message;
your old people will have dreams,
and your young people will see visions.

The following list are actual instances of the above happening in the Scriptures:

Genesis Chp 20 v 3
Genesis Chp 31 v 11
Genesis Chp 31 v 24
Genesis Chp 37 v 5 - 7
Judges Chp 7 v 13
1 Kings Chp 3 v 5
Ezekiel Chp 8 v 2 & 3
Daniel Chp 2 v 1 - 4
Daniel Chp 7 v 1 - 14
Daniel Chp 8 v 1 - 12
Daniel Chp 10 v 4 - 12
The Book of Enoch
2 Esdras especially Chp 13 v 15 - 25
Matthew Chp 2 v 12 - 22
Revelation Chp 1 v 10 - 19

These are just some. There are other instances in the Scriptures and excluded books.

Because the perpetrators behind the scenes recognise this phenomenon together with our dream diaries, they don’t want Viviane sleeping just in case they have no control over what may come through that may help, strengthen, uplift and guide us. They think they can limit The Most High in our lives and prevent any prophetic dreams, visions, etc. that may come through from Him, which is one of the main reasons they stop and/or constantly interrupt sleep. Especially as they know we are true bloodline Hebrew descendants and they have known this from the beginning of their targeting us - at least 29 years now. 

Just a quick point to show how limited the enemy thinks and how they depend on wishful thinking because The Most High is limitless and has infinite ways to reach whoever He wants.

Check out Numbers Chp 22 v 1 – 35 for an amazing example of this.

As for us, Ben, Rachael & Viviane, we listen to The Most High, our Heavenly Father first and last. Whoever doesn’t like it, take it up with whatever god you serve.

Good News Bible: Joshua Chp 24 v 15
If you are not willing to serve him, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your ancestors worshipped in Mesopotamia or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are now living. As for my family and me, we will serve The Most High.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

This is what the satanic torturing barbarians have done now to bloat, misshapen and burn Viviane’s left arm again, to cause pain, sleep deprivation and incapacitate, to depress her in the hope of making her mentally ill.

Day 1 - Sat 10 June 2017

Day 2 - Sun 11 June 2017

Day 3 - Mon 12 June 2017

Day 4 - Tues 13 June 2017

Tuesday 04 July 2017

As has happened and we’ve written before, the twisted, sadistic, criminal psychopaths have been torturing Viviane’s private parts for about 2 weeks now. They wish we would be mad enough to put pictures of these injuries on our blog! This is how degenerates think and operate. When what they’ve been doing has been exposed in various ways they try to find covert means to carry on their perversions and are desperate to make us depressed and inactive privately and professionally.
The good news is our Heavenly Father, The Most High knows how to give them the same and worse suffering when their hell arrives.
We do our best to carry on.

Tuesday 05 December 2017

[Below is a more detailed version of an excerpt from our response to the Independent Case Examiner’s report regarding our formal complaint against the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) for the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman (which is the last level for complaint resolutions) to decide our case.]

State-backed perpetrators like the DWP / the 7 Hayes Jobcentre staff we had dealings with were/are used to cause extreme stress to aid in bringing about illnesses like strokes and heart attacks, even death; especially when combined with electromagnetic / microwave torture and sleep deprivation to prevent rest and repair as in Viviane’s case. This is conspiracy to commit murder - a very serious crime everywhere in the world except, it would appear, here in the UK.

The electromagnetic / microwave torture was and is significantly increased when we are set-up / forced to have dealings with statutory bodies like the Jobcentre; while we are in the process of completing our response regarding the report from the Independent Case Examiner; hence various strings being pulled behind the scenes for many months to prevent our progress in finding employment, in order for the DWP and the local authority housing advice centre to step in as our only option to sustain and house ourselves, pay the rent, bills, etc, so they can persecute us more directly again. What usually follows is persons / organisations like landlords, mental health workers, police etc. turning up to worm their way into our home under the guise of wanting to 'discuss' whatever with us, when really their aim is to bully, harass, stress and distress us to deliberately upset our equilibrium; all recorded on their live-feed, not so hidden camera broadcasting in real time to their fellow bloodthirsty sadistic criminals. It's never enough for them to do that so they seek ways to provoke us even with physical assaults to goad us into retaliating so that they can have some 'authentic' way to take all kinds of action against us and put all types of lies on official records. So, we have no reason to trust anyone since even when people start off okay, they always turn nasty because they choose to participate in the malicious targeting we've been living with these 29 years. As we mentioned to the present landlords, we are aware of how things have been set up from the beginning to get us to leave this area since the authorities didn’t want us to be in Derbyshire and thought we would be manipulated into going back down to London a long time ago in order for specific races, organisations and individuals (even relatives) to carry on targeting us from where they left off in order to grind us down and burn us out.

Good News Bible: Matthew Chp 10 v 36:

"Your worst enemies will be the members of your own family." The Messiah to the disciples, (to the people / us). (Especially in these end times.)

As always, we stick by The Most High God.

We've been living off savings for over a year and a half after leaving the work place bullying from 2 different work from home employers consecutively. Obviously, they were acting under the instructions of the authorities as usual. Fortunately, going back to the DWP is not ever going to be an option for us given our many years of experience of being targeted by the UK State wherever we go, live or work; which is why we have been forced to work from home - to limit as much as possible the authorities’ ability to interfere and control every aspect of our lives, which they constantly fight to maintain; even if it means lying about us on official records by saying we are "potentially violent" in order to incarcerate us / Viviane because we have defended ourselves from violent neighbours (more than once) who attacked us at the behest of the UK authorities.

Once incarcerated, worse abuses / atrocities upon us are intended. We have made clear [here and here] that we are not on this earth to be parasitically preyed upon because others have decided they want to use and abuse us and our bodies. It is against our God, Faith and culture to be involved in mad-science, so-called stem cell and other so-called research so that vampires can feed off us, steal our blood and other body parts, organs etc. in order for psychopathic soulless beings to see how they can live longer to continue all kinds of evil. 

We've already mentioned how evil persons abusing their positions have stolen much blood from Viviane at the General Practitioners Surgery (GP) and in hospitals after using torture weapons to cause excruciating pain in her back and kidneys and lies to illegally section her in order to steal vials of her blood. 

They have obviously had long-held plans for all 3 of us because they expected to get their hands on especially Rachael (literally) a long time ago for twisted, perverse reasons even sex trafficking and slavery. Because of these degenerates, none of us have had any semblance of a normal life and due to their obsession with us they've watched Ben and Rachael remain virgins these 29 years and are extremely desperate to take turns in systematically violating, raping them, i.e. satanic ritual abuse (SRA). These twisted criminals have already decided how to separate and further traumatise us individually by assigning different handlers / controllers to us in order for them all to have their evil way with all of us and then help themselves to whatever organs they want, whenever they have had their fill; even if it means using lookalike replacements while they have us in their overground / underground military bases, hospitals, facilities where it is well-known all kinds of evil atrocities take place, e.g. attaching so-called bionic limbs after set-up ‘accidents’, creating microchipped so-called super soldiers ('transhumans'), etc, etc. They are not trying to help people, they’re trying to help themselves to us / others!

Also please see: Daily Mail Article: 150 Human Animal Hybrids Grown in UK Labs

This is how and why the authorities conspire with others to target specific individuals, families, groups in engineering and orchestrating their homelessness; literally putting them on the street for the rabid, vicious and ruthless to round them up, make them go missing to be used and abused etc. etc.

So because of Viviane's age, the evil torturers with an obsessive, perverse personal vendetta against her (and Ben and Rachael) are more determined than ever to separate us and have Viviane in their death hospital in order to commit worse crimes than they have already done by the time, they hope, their heightened and targeted electromagnetic / microwave torture has produced their much longed for seizure and the hand-picked briefed (with the usual lies) paramedics/ambulance services are called. Their various motives and agenda for this and all 3 of us individually are widespread knowledge and fully documented by us on our blogs YOZIKI.BLOGSPOT.COM & YOZIKI.WORPRESS.COM.

At this time of writing (05 December 2017) I, Viviane Anamuah of sound mind and in front of witnesses both here in person and remotely via electronic interception and surveillance on this device (and by other means) by various illegitimate and hopefully legitimate bodies, do hereby hold all the UK Government individuals and groups and any other individuals they use responsible for any sudden or gradual mishap that should occur to my heart and any other organ, via seizure etc, or any kind of stroke, paralysis, cancer, tumour, leukaemia / blood cancer or auto-immune disease e.g. lupus. Aneurysms or embolisms etc, in my brain, legs, arms or anywhere else in my body or in the bodies of Ben and Rachael Anamuah, as well as the onset of any metabolic disorders brought on with use of these torture weapons to target our metabolic systems causing conditions like diabetes, we also include. Obviously, diabolical creatures wish us to have conditions that would severely hamper the smooth running of the rest of our lives, e.g. having an insulin dependency and/or extremely restricted diet and physical disabilities to prevent us enjoying any years we have left.

I, Viviane Anamuah, am fully aware (as are son and daughter Ben and Rachael Anamuah and others) that the criminals behind the scenes and behind the 29 years of persecution we have suffered and been forced to endure, are psychopathic by nature and are being aided and abetted by other psychopaths so are unlikely to cease their evil against us voluntarily. Therefore, it was / is incumbent upon the many national and international human rights organisations and courts we have constantly been approaching over 29 years to stop these psychopathic obsessive abusers with continuous inhumane and degrading cruel intentions. We, Viviane, Ben and Rachael Anamuah, will hold the national and international human rights organisations and courts responsible also for any illness, condition, mishap that should occur due to the illegal and unlawful constant torture from the military-grade electromagnetic / microwave weapons upon us 3 civilians, i.e. committing treason. We, Viviane, Ben and Rachael Anamuah also hold the aforementioned responsible for the physical violence perpetrated upon us in the many years since we have made our circumstances known to the above, whereupon we have been forced to physically defend ourselves. Any more physical assaults upon us, or attempted or actual murder/s of any of the 3 of us at the behest of the UK Government or any statutory or other organisations, groups or individuals under them that they use; we Viviane, Ben and Rachael Anamuah do/will hold the UK Government and the national and international human rights organisations and international criminal courts responsible - this includes emails, junk post, mobile phone online newsfeeds, YouTube video thumbnails sent to us, all with veiled messages and threats, code-speak via unsolicited phone calls, etc, etc, to remotely programme any 1 of us to become depressed / bi-polar (with and without use of the torture weapons targeting specific areas of the brain), in order to act against this family's best interests, using any means and methods of mind control. The criminals guilty of this know exactly what has been taking place and what we mean by that.

We're sick of the continuous individual and institutionalized racism. The facts and evidence make clear what has been taking place now and history will attest against all those whose job and duty it was, individually and collectively to prevent and cease the atrocities we and others have been forced to endure. So too will The Most High, The Universe and Karma.

[End of excerpt]

Below is a copy of the email sent to the landlords of our current address to explain our situation, although they’ve been aware and complicit from the beginning of our tenancy which is usually the case wherever we live.

Below are 3 Notices from the landlord’s solicitors - Regency Law Group:

1st - Received by Royal Mail - approx 10:50hrs Wednesday 03 January 2018. Letter and Notice enclosed dated 02 January 2018
Please note spelling of Rachael’s name (‘Rachel’) and what we have said about that here and on this page of our ECHR Application form.

2nd - Hand delivered - approx 18:00hrs Wednesday 03 January 2018. Letter and Notice enclosed dated 03 January 2018

3rd - Received by Royal Mail - approx 10:30hrs Thursday 04 January 2018. Letter and Notice enclosed dated 03 January 2018

Please note the veiled threat - same address name:
as the Mental Health authority / workers who repeatedly abused their positions to give us nothing but problems, which we included in our ECHR case.

To view the 4 letters from them that we gave to the ECHR, please see here.  If you word search ‘The Courtyard’ in the ECHR application, more details will come up. 

Wednesday 11 July 2018  8:38pm

This is what the torturing devils have now caused with their directed energy / electromagnetic / microwave weapons; preventing Viviane from standing or walking for long; hence, she did not go out today - all because she did not agree to be bribed with benefit money; in their desperation to get Viviane to go to one of their GPs in order to be abused further with demands for probably extractions of her spinal fluid (like the 'Incredible Hulk Woman') and to take more blood etc which these parasites and vampires can never have enough of. 

How many others are they doing these things to? 

To the genuine truth seeker, do not be fooled. What we have here is a combination of the 2017 film 'Get Out' and 1968 film 'Rosemary's Baby'. Those of you who still want to act against our best interests, aiding and abetting criminals, corruption and crimes against humanity - you can't say you didn't know.

We are owed more and more compensation for these evils and one way or another they will pay since they never stop their evil wickedness upon us. The bloating, pain and discomfort is worsening by the minute. The Most High God is our witness and he will continue to take vengeance upon them. These diabolical degenerates will be recompensed in full, and so will we - thus saith The Most High God.

Email from John Finch Dated 03 July 2018:
King James Bible: Revelation Chp 2 v 9:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

King James Bible: Revelation Chp 3 v 9:
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Friday 07 September 2018
The below news article is dated the same day (September 06 2018) that we watched various videos on the subject of narcissistic toxic psychopathic people and the same day Derby Council Temporary Accommodation Manager, Trisha Hatton calls to say the temporary accommodation at Redwings Lodge is due to be extended to the end of this month. This news also appears on the Google news feed at 09:49 today, Friday 07 September 2018.

On Wednesday 05 September 2018, 6:00am, Viviane speaks with Pastor David Livingston (after his message the day before, asking about our homelessness situation). During this call, Pastor Livingston asks Viviane about why persons have not killed her yet and that if the type of people she had mentioned were behind our targeting wanted to, they would have easily done so. Whereupon, Viviane states that the persons torturing her with the electromagnetic / microwave weapons are aiming to incapacitate with a seizure first (hence the continuance of their obsessive, illegal, perverted surveillance,** tracking and stalking of all 3 of us and targeted torture to mainly the left side of Viviane’s body, brain, left arm, left leg, left hand and foot) in order to obtain various body tissue (insert and take out whatever) before killing her at their convenience. She mentioned that Satanic rings were behind it. (Please see additions to Recommended Films list - 1996 film “Extreme Measures,” 1978 film “Coma” and 2017 film “Get Out.” THEY are telling you what they have actually been doing and are still doing!) She also mentioned that a UN investigator had said whenever they had to work in the UK, it was referred to as “hazard duty” because everyone was co-opted and corrupt. Viviane also remarked that the perpetrators included people as high up as those in political circles, various professions like medical practitioners, all the way down to next door neighbours. 1 day later, Trisha Hatton’s call comes and we ask about going back to the Walsall temporary accommodation instead of extending Redwings due to the fact that it was a more practical solution for a longer term stay since they had cooking and laundry facilities there, which Redwings doesn’t have.

**The First Book of Enoch Chp 100 v 8:
...they watch to devise wickedness [and lies]

It is quite suspicious then how this article regarding money for Walsall Manor Hospital Accident & Emergency expansion is in the news right now. It’s not too difficult to see who the persons targeting us are working for and like Viviane said to the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman (last week Wednesday 29 August 2018) regarding their dragging their feet to conclude our case in order to allow time for perpetrators to inflict more harm and actual death upon us / Viviane; if anything happens to us / her, persons will know exactly where to point their fingers.

Thursday 25 October 2018  23:57

Here we go again - sending veiled threats / messages, just when the torturing has been viciously, sadistically heightened again especially to Viviane’s head / forehead, scalp, brain, esp. base and back of brain; in and outside eyes and ears, neck, esp. nape and vagus nerves, arms esp. left arm, all over chest, breasts, belly, pelvic area, hands and feet etc. etc. all last night and all day today; at this time of the sacrificial witching season of their Halloween, this world Satanic system - all in it together. The Most High God is seeing/witnessing and keeping records of everything and everyone everywhere

The Book of Enoch Chp 98 vs 6 - 8
"I have sworn unto you, ye sinners, by the Holy Great One, That all your evil deeds are revealed in the heavens, And that none of your deeds of oppression are covered and hidden. And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart that ye do not know and that ye do not see that every sin is every day recorded in heaven in the presence of the Most High. From henceforth ye know that all your oppression wherewith ye oppress is written down every day till the day of your judgement."

The Book of Enoch Chp 100 vs 10 & 11
"And now, know ye that from the angels He will inquire as to your deeds in heaven, from the sun and from the moon and from the stars in reference to your sins because upon the earth ye execute judgement on the righteous."

The Book of Enoch Chp 104 v 7 - 9
"And, although ye sinners say: 'All our sins shall not be searched out and be written down,' nevertheless they [The Most High and His Angels] shall write down all your sins every day. And now I show unto you that light and darkness, day and night, see all your sins."

Thursday 27 December 2018
Here we go again: Viviane's left arm, in a lot of pain inside and out.

Shabbat 29 December 2018
Still getting a lot of torture hits in the same and other areas, still very painful inside and out.

Click image to enlarge.

The daily and nightly torture hits are designed to debilitate, incapacitate and sleep deprive Viviane in the hope of causing instant mental and
physical breakdown of mainly her brain, nervous system and heart.

N.B. We (Viviane, Ben & Rachael) are still in this second Walsall temporary accommodation (owned and run by Choice Lets) at 27 Fellows Park Gardens, Bescot, Walsall, WS2 9DT - our last day is supposed to be 02 January 2019, which would explain the maniacal urgency of National Government, Local Authorities / Statutory Bodies and Councils like Derby City, Wolverhampton and Walsall and their complicity in creating effectively a barbaric torture chamber here with various electronic and behavioural shock tactics by other participants wherever we are placed or find ourselves, whether short-term or long-term to slow-kill and demoralise us, especially Viviane. They want us to be traumatised to attempt suicides in order to facilitate incarcerations and increase the abuses with impunity. Please see entry above regarding real motives behind our placement here and Walsall Manor Hospital under Friday 07 September 2018; hence the many manipulated fruitless and bogus rental property search results, viewings, etc, etc, by estate / property agents, private landlords and property websites etc. who are always enlisted, made aware of this situation to various degrees and there are continuous machinations by others high and low behind the scenes to keep us here in order for the torturing etc. to take its toll on all 3 of us. They have gone to great expense, time and trouble to rig this address (as well as others) in various ways, so as far as these criminals are concerned it would not be convenient for them to place us in a safe and suitable environment more conducive to our wellbeing and less likely to be depressing. There's a long list of substandard things wrong with this place e.g. electric oven that just gets hotter and hotter to burn everything regardless of what temperature setting it is placed on so we have to keep opening and closing the door, fanning the heat out any time we use it. It's not just inconvenient, it's a danger hazard. Derby City Council Homeless / Temporary Accommodation Dept are happy to pay the property agents over £350.00 a week for this place! As usual everybody goes along with everything for payment and sometimes for free, just to target us. We are still obsessively, pervertedly surveilled indoors and stalked every time we go out by bloodthirsty predators. The other vindictive reasons for the above aforementioned is due to our not accepting another set up "offer" of accommodation back in Derby where the other torture injuries, burns, scars, etc. took place, as pictured above under various dates from October 2016 to July 2018. We're expected to go back to Derby for more of the same and worse. Again, it's obvious why our attempts to find a place privately was continuously sabotaged, blocked etc.
As Viviane said to various corrupt people, perpetrators: We (Viviane, Ben & Rachael) are not here on this earth to be used and abused by anyone. Our bodies and organs belong to us, not to any vampiric, parasitical psychopaths who have decided that their lives and need for our bodies are more important than ours. 
We, Ben and Rachael have to deal with this extremely upsetting situation that evil criminals are deliberately continuously causing all of us. They should be rounded up, jailed and given a taste of their own medicine with interest.
Everything that has been perpetrated upon us passed the level of insanity when the targeting began at least 30 years ago. These outrageous diabolical abominations have been facilitated, engineered and orchestrated by evil corrupt individuals and organisations here in the UK. 
We haven't even mentioned other things like how people in authority encourage others to use their legitimate positions, set up /organise criminal gangs to rob / defraud people of their money by obtaining their personal and bank details under various guises e.g. our former 'employers' Government approved IFF Research (and IPSOS Mori) - please see email above of 22 December 2017 and Affitto Estate Agents in Wolverhampton (and Leicester).
Since this kind of thing is becoming more and more widespread, you might as well know how evil people operate.

They and whoever else involved will never escape judgement from The Most High who knows how to make their end worse and worse here, now and in the hereafter.

Quick update: Sunday 06 January 2019
We are supposed to be moving out of 27 Fellows Park Gardens, Bescot, Walsall, WS2 9DT into a new place in Wolverhampton tomorrow. The powers that be have been showing signs of being determined to sabotage this move because they want to keep control over us and the whole situation they keep putting us in for their own twisted sadistic reasons. If it transpires that the police, the mental health and whoever else comes kicking our door down for another timely illegal, wrongful arrest to incarcerate us, especially Viviane, we will all know why - in order to use, abuse, inflict their evil upon us, since we are just specimens to them that they wish to keep under their constant, microscopic, perverted scrutiny and control, even if it means inflicting deliberate physical injury to place us in their death hospital, as we’ve said before. If they don’t put people off dealing with us, pay them off, bribe, etc, this is what they do.

The Culling of the UK Population!
by Ian R. Crane.

Monday 08 April 2019

Thanks for the blatant death threat received yesterday. But what does the all-seeing, knowing, Creator of the Universe The Most High God say; He who always sees and knows everything and everyone's minds, hearts, spirits, motives and past, present and future deeds? The Most High God of the Universe says our enemies are His enemies and He knows how to curse and kill too, better than anyone. 

KJV: 2 Kings Chp 19 v 35
KJV: Isaiah Chp 37 v 36

Our Heavenly Father also says He knows how to bless those who bless His people. But...

If they are foolish enough to trust in evil, then evil will be their reward.
Good News Bible: Job Chp 15 v 31

Thursday 11 April 2019 11:33am

As Enoch meant when he said, they watch to devise wickedness, another example of this follows:

Approximately 11am devils used electromagnetic etc. weapons to bladder and kidney meridians to cause me, Viviane, pain and need to urinate after devils next door are used to wake me up with continuous tapping. I was then hit more in the upper back and nervous system to cause pain (keep me in pain, incapacitated, even cripple) just when they see me getting out of bed to use the loo - timed and trying to disguise the hit as just a painful twinge upon rising. 

When I get back from the bathroom and turn on phone, their other bloodthirsty devils from Shell Energy (formerly First Utility for electricity & gas) send text saying to contact them (re. another of many demands to pay bill etc) so they can be used to compound crap - all working / in it together, hoping to wind me up etc. etc. 

We can see why The Most High is wiping them out. The usual devils have been causing ongoing back problems then send Michael Jai White taunt video re. ‘How to Strengthen Your Back’ as if this one time ballet / fitness / jogging enthusiast (which they all know) ain’t got a clue. 

Continuous thwacking across the back with pain and torture weapons is about forcing mental health problems, skeletal, spinal, neck, muscle and posture problems and changing body shape, because that’s the only way devils feel good about themselves. Continuous hits with torture weapons is also about getting me into their death hospitals because still trying to obtain genes, eggs, etc by force to produce various mixed-race children to share amongst themselves, to use, abuse in every way including satanic rituals / murders coz that’s what satan’s psychopathic creations do before they’re thrown into the eternal lake of hell-fire by The Most High God of the Universe. All the aforementioned and twisted, selfish avarice etc. are the reasons for obsessive surveillance, stalking and constant texts / voicemail messages / demands to call back in order to also grind us down - 1 of the reasons why the police have turned up here at our door out of the blue demanding entry 4 times in 10 days:-

Wednesday 30 January 2019 19:10hrs - till around 19:20hrs
Thursday 31 January 2019 12:04hrs - 12:05hrs
Saturday 02 February 2019 18:23hrs - 18:28hrs
Saturday 09 February 2019 13:57hrs - 14:02hrs

They intend to inflict the same above-mentioned torture, evil agenda and worse upon B and Zee, they think, before and after they cause my longed-for demise. 

Recently watched vids re. various races of transgender female to male breeders etc. (not just Black and White) verify psychopaths’ determination and abominations to steal our eggs etc. by force as we’ve stated publically in emails, letters, blogs, on phone, in face to face meetings with various officials, organisations & individuals here in the UK and abroad. This is more confirmation of our very real and serious safety and security being at risk wherever we go and high risk of our abductions etc. also widely publically stated for many years. 
Is it really that hard to figure out what’s going on with all the missing and deaths of Black people? We, Viviane, Ben & Rachael Anamuah cannot possibly be the only ones being targeted for these reasons with the collusion of the same Black people who are already hated all over the world!

Whatever we do or don’t do, say or don’t say, satan’s children still carry on with their evil and torturing - whether they are witchy-bitchy men, women or transgenders. 

1 of many we've watched:

We've just been sent this to my YouTube home page:

Today's earlier news feed sent to my phone. 
Nuff said.

Shabbat 18 May 2019

Around 10pm, devils use their weapons to hit me (Viviane) in the belly just when was about to have some fries with B. Also did same thing Thursday 16, i.e. hit in the belly. Today hits in belly come 1 day after and same day of news feeds about bowel cancer symptoms with people holding their bellies in thumbnail pics, like I, Viviane have been doing because of torture hits to that area. Devils timed hits to coincide with news item and after had been eating a little bit on Thursday and today. They also cause sleep deprivation for several days then repeat news items on how insomnia causes depression, kills people etc. etc. 

Since still obsessively watch us closely with usual surveillance, obvious how they time these specific electromagnetic microwave scalar hits like recent ones to belly to coincide with when I'm about to eat or just when eating and also to coincide with the aforementioned news item that they know I regularly check. All hits to belly now done because devils desperate for me Viviane to be in their death hospital so they can do their intrusive 'exploratory surgery' take out and put in whatever to cause said bowel cancer by force and anything else like diabetes i.e. mess with the pancreas etc etc and probably also to insert various micro chips coz they also want to keep tabs on me/us just in case we go anywhere e.g. abroad, holiday etc

NB: These psychopaths will have to pay for everything they have done to me, us and others according to The Most High God's laws/Universal Laws; they will be paying with interest with suffering for the suffering they have caused. 

The same devils are terrified we will get away from them i.e. escape, especially now that we've been watching various vids about the 2nd exodus and getting into the wilderness etc etc hence this specific torturing to belly in the hope we'll go to the same psychopaths’ hospital full of their likeminded pre-briefed with lies, people posing as normal ordinary doctors, surgeons 'specialists' - all in it together.

NB 2: Same devils used their weapons on Thursday to target chest and heart. All the above done to cause pain, suffering, incapacity etc etc. The torture, burns/injuries, sleep deprivation etc part of organised racially motivated State-backed harassment hate campaign. Encroach/interference in all interactions/aspects of personal & professional life. Police said it goes over their heads, nothing they can do re stalking etc. Immense damage & personal losses/ cost to all 3 of us, taking place at least 30/31 years now despite various human rights & other orgs knowing what has been/is going on; element of perversion coz people prefer/ like to watch/ have morbid fascination/obsession with us rather than use positions to stop evildoers' abuses. 

Monday 20 May 2019 

Devils also using torture weapons recently now to target/weaken/cause a lot pain and damage to heart, belly/stomach/blood vessels of brain, left and right sides forehead i.e. stroke and heart attack areas, seriously trying to disable for obvious reasons; obsessed with racing to watch and imitate whatever parts of latest page/vid/movie we download in advance of our watching it - i.e. psyop crap coz they're twisted, sadistic peeping tom, voyeuristic perverts who get off on doing these and other evils. E.g. we downloaded Agatha Christie’s “Ordeal by Innocence” which featured a deceased woman with heart problems around 08 May 2019, days before repeated torture hits my (Viviane’s) heart, surrounding and connected areas. Still obviously want me out of the way so they can traumatize, mind control B and Zee then use and abuse them in ways they've done/do to other children/adults vulnerable people, for fun, entertainment etc.

Just coz I've been watching a few airlines and resorts, devils bound to be deciding we are going somewhere. They have been trying to lure us to certain airlines, secret underground surgical bases at certain resorts, specifically to do worse damage with their operatives/agents, not just using White assassins. Obvious how operatives/agents are posing as ordinary YouTubers / travel vloggers.

Devil control freaks still keen to insert microchips for pain and to follow / keep close tabs on us esp. Viviane (see “Secret Societies Exposed - Child Rape, Murder, Kidnapping, Satanic Abuse - Testimony”) coz think we might escape them after we watched first biblical flee into wilderness doctrine and then vids about it being a false doctrine. Most High keeps revealing devils’ evil and they keep revealing themselves.
See Richie Allen’s vid: “SAS Murdering Brits Abroad”

1339hrs minutes after I finish writing these notes devils hitting me in the chest again.

Pic taken Wednesday 25 September 2019 - 16:21hrs 

Viviane's left lower inside leg:

Pic taken Shabbat 12 October 2019 - 17:30hrs

Viviane's left upper arm:

Nuff said.

Pic taken Shabbat 19 October 2019 - 14:54hrs:

Viviane's left upper arm:

Shabbat 07 December 2019

The following are notes from May 2019 and today:

Thurs 23 May 2019 07:57hrs 
Devils pass messages to each other via YouTube vids, ads and news feeds eg. 1/2 days after person said to be unqualified psychiatrist administering electro-shock 'treatments'/ 'therapy' to unwitting patients, devils change torture done on me to short sharp electro-magnetic pin-like painful hits /stings, (sadistic by nature as usual) to many various areas, meridian points esp. to right side front hair line, forehead & right side lower back of head behind right ear & nape of head where devils have already caused large bald patch to make it more painful when they torture that area, those nerve endings etc. to also cause lasting pain for weeks & months & deeper damage. Short sharp shocks done all night to prevent sleep. Devils using South East Asians esp. originally from India & surrounding areas, including places like Nepal Dalai Lama territory where chef Gordon Ramsay supposed to have gone/is according to YouTube vids sent to me in last few days. Took screen shot of his vid saying "Oi pannini head you're gonna get someone killed!" after I watch various vids about transgender/male to female & ftm gender inversions and he was supposed to be one of them. Before ever watching was wondering why kept being sent his videos when have never watched his stuff then after newsfeeds on 3 parent IVF babies, became clear. All kinds of so-called celebs involved in these pregnancies & other stuff & roping in members of public to get their genes via eggs/ova/sperm just so they can see/breed what children/hybrids etc. they can create via IVF.
So devils are now doing all this short sharp electro-mag shocks/ torturing cos in a hurry to make me sick &/or crazy so they can get their hands on B n Zee, not just me and in the meantime enjoy their usual evil twisted crap; until it's their turn to suffer. Devils using neighbours as usual & hope we'll attack them verbally & physically so they can say we're paranoid schizophrenic as they've done before and to other targeted individuals/families. Devils working overtime, using short sharp shocks all over body. Must be desperate so will prob do more, worse esp. to head to accelerate tumours,(hence the many concentrated hits top of right and left sides of head/brain) aneurysm, embolism, stroke, paralysis, they hope etc. until it's their turn to suffer the same and worse multiplied by plenty from The Most High God himself. (Buddhist monks & Dalai Lama territory who believe in Karma still Satanists, Satan's slaves just like White and other devils doing Satan's dirty work just so they can all end up together in the eternal lake of fire. Evils just like the days of Noah as Enoch details. PS large bald patches caused when devils burned scalp & follicles, caused scabs from about Cranmer Rd. days over 8 years ago. Patches enlarged, now irreversible damage, bare skin, same areas devils continue to target daily. Most High God knows all. He doesn't hate me/us, he hates them & all their wicked evil ways.

Sat 07 Dec 2019
Psychopathic criminal corrupt devils (internationally) still using/passing coded messages/images to each other via YouTube and news feed regarding us & the same subject above. Coded messages sent via ‘spam’ emails = present day auctioning/bidding in the millions (under the guise of fake charity from rich individuals, fake dead people’s wills and account transfers) for bodies, domestic and sex slaves and involves all kinds of disguised real individuals and organisations that claim to be against all the above and for human rights. This is where the surveillance comes in where they get to see us (and obviously others) in real time via surveillance in our homes and wherever we go. The synagogue of satan, whore of Babylon, so-called royals/aristocrats, politicians, banksters, so-called intelligence services like MI5, psychiatrists, scientists, surgeons, military, police and paramedics, the DWP (Department for Work & Pensions), etc, all involved, i.e. spiritual wickedness in high and low places. Hence reason why devils used electromagnetic etc weapons in both Zee’s ears/inner ear causing her to pass out around 2 hours before B and Zee’s Jobseeker’s (Zee) and Universal Credit appointments (B & Zee) on Wed 04 Dec 2019. Soon after speaking with Universal Credit people and Wolverhampton Jobcentre, 2 paramedics (1 woman, 1 man) and 2 policemen turned up demanding access again & threatening to force entry;  refusing to say who called/sent them cos we didn’t. All in it together to stress and distress us deliberately because they’re in a hurry to make merchandise of us just as Scriptures say. They see us as high value useful money makers for them, i.e. fuckable rape victims to produce forced pregnancies (with and without IVF), domestic slaves, (abused and repeatedly traumatised) sex slaves and organ trafficking (for our stem cells, eggs, sperm, genes etc, ‘breeders’, 2 ‘fresh meat’ virgins); relentlessly pursuing us at any and every opportunity regardless of how they appear to others who all know what’s going on, i.e. European Court of Human Rights, United Nations, etc. As usual, ruthless soulless barbarians with no regard for the young or old just as the Scriptures say.

Below is the rough draft of a statement we were writing as asked for in the Universal Credit form that Jobseeker’s Allowance manager Sam Jones suggested we filled in, when the police and paramedics turned up to upset and sidetrack us from what we were exposing i.e. all a set-up, all in it together (we went back to work after the police and paramedics left but for obvious reasons, we didn’t complete it, it’s still pending):

“Rachael's mother Viviane Anamuah called the Universal Credit department (spoke to Linda), called Molineux House Wolverhampton Jobcentre (spoke to Debbie and Sam Jones) about Rachael having to miss the Jobseeker’s Allowance and UC appointments (12:00 & 12:50) due to her passing out this morning around 10:28am. Rachael said she had a sensation in her ears / middle ear whereupon she lost her balance, fell forward and Viviane caught her. We’ve already made clear that we are a targeted family with covert surveillance, harassment, persecution with organised stalking and military-grade electromagnetic microwave torture via neurological directed energy weapons. Since Viviane was tortured with these weapons around 8:15 - 8:30 this morning, we can only deduce that these weapons were used on Rachael to cause the sensations she had and fainting. 
The perpetrators are aware of everything we do or say on the phone, computer, laptop, etc, it is obvious they timed this event to coincide with the appointments Rachael and Ben Anamuah were due to attend at the Jobcentre today. The problems perpetrators created are being intentionally compounded to cause as much stress and distress as possible. This targeting has been in the public domain for 3 decades, and we do not need to lie, or succumb to veiled threats directly or indirectly from various organisations like the police, in order to gag us so that extra pressure can mount up in our lives and minds in the hope we become mentally ill by force; instead of lawless criminals having to lie about us with false accusations of showing signs of mental illness and so on, as has been the pattern. We are forced to keep various records including when the police and or the paramedics are used to turn up at our front door (just a few minutes ago) unannounced and uninvited, soon after we speak with Molineux House Wolverhampton Jobcentre regarding having to miss the appointments. 
Why are the emergency services turning up if there is nothing they can do unless it is to exacerbate the situation? Neither did we inform any emergency services of anything today or any other time. The 2 Police and 2 Paramedics would not give names of who called / sent them. This recurring pattern of sending the Police after we speak with the Jobcentre proves everything we have been saying about the targeting, surveillance on our phones etc correct and that this situation that has been engineered and orchestrated by persons abusing their positions to abuse us is still going on with impunity. We have made clear in writing and in person to various organisations within the UK and abroad the seriousness and facts of this situation, the perpetrators know this and still carry on regardless. Those organisations include Amnesty, the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations.
The police said before there was nothing they could do because it went over their heads. 
Ken Livingstone MP said “What they’re doing to you, they’ve done to so many people and they’ve been driven mad deliberately. They are vindictive people.”
A barrister said “The system is against you. Just do what they want.” i.e. give them Ben and Rachael, let them put them in the so-called ‘care’ system.
A solicitor said, “...dark forces are operating behind the scenes.”
The UN Investigator said that when they were required to work in the UK, it was referred to as “hazard duty” because “everyone is co-opted and corrupt.”
All the above and more proves we are not safe.”

We mentioned the likelihood of events like the below video happening here (as well as other places), 2 years ago under Tuesday 05 December 2017 - set ups to have access to our bodies for various reasons (already mentioned in different places) including to microchip us (mentioned here, here & here), again for various reasons including to cause pain (pain chip), to keep tabs on us, control and manipulate etc, remotely.

Madness. Police & Paramedics 04 Dec 2019

Because we didn’t say anything before about B being hit with the weapons to his neck, right hand and right knee, torturers decided to do worse with Rachael because they see her as an assertive young Black woman and think we're not weak or slave enough yet. Devils decided to target her with their evil torture weapons causing her to pass out, to traumatise her and have wasted no time sending 2 crap letters from the Wolverhampton Jobcentre/DWP to help pressure and break her down.

This news article was sent to us for those complicit behind the scenes in our targeting and other interested guilty parties to read in real time when we did. We refer you to comments already made earlier.

Criminals are intending to pimp us out to the following races/nationalities going by the covert spam bidders mentioned above:-

White UK, US, Canadians, Europeans; Chinese, Japanese etc, South East Asian Indians & others, Arabs & White and other South Africans as well as Black Africans and others. Two-faced, fork-tongue, hypocritical sell-out Black British, & African Americans know by now what the situation is regarding the bloodlust killings and missing Black men, women and children but pretend they don't coz they are part of it and want to get paid. 

UK & US Intelligence Agencies top the list; advise individuals and organisations so they all feel / think they’re untouchable which accounts for their insane, outrageous, mendacious audacity. Shameless! We’re going through all this pain and suffering, torture, sleep deprivation, obsessive meddling, hounding, ogling, stalking and constant violations of privacy and human rights, year after year, for at least 31 years so that evil twisted soulless perverted wild beasts and blood-sucking parasitical monsters can get their rocks off and use and abuse us with impunity for whatever vampiric degeneracy they think up. Hence reason devils go into a tail-spin when they see us eating normal meals or eating at all cos they think they might lose money if we are a normal healthy weight for our bones and stature or don’t agree with starving ourselves, making it easier for them to make us sick or agree with their sickly, skin and bones, stick-thin ethos. We’re definitely not the only ones. See: 

Good News Bible: 1 Peter Chp 5 v 8:
"Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the devil, roams round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." (Target, stalk, hunt, psyop, set-up, trick, drug, poison, abduct, blacklist, sabotage, stress & distress, program, mind control, bribe, blackmail, make physically/mentally ill, hate, harass, persecute, disinherit, impoverish, degrade, humiliate, provoke, arrest, incite, criminalise, imprison, corrupt, pervert, hurt, maim, kidnap, traffick, rape, breed with, experiment on, steal blood, organs & DNA from, scar, rob, traumatise, use & abuse, despise, stab, shoot, kill, sacrifice, destroy etc.) Relentless, homicidal, psychopathic predators.

More Madness

Just a few examples of more madness, veiled threats and other vids sent to Viviane; pushing whoredom and sex with white men onto us as usual.

They're telling us to expect
the above if we don't comply.

Excerpt from John Finch's email dated 03 July 2018: 

“The Jewish nazis more or less stopped everyone else breeding and interbred prolifically themselves.” 

Full email pictured above under Wednesday 11 July 2018.

Various fake people hiding behind fake Jews and vice versa; all in it together, plotting and scheming to do the above and more. Widespread knowledge by now.

From the horse’s mouth:

[Interview with Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein]

Veiled threats etc. cont'd 
The vultures are circling.
Heavenly Hosts/Angelic Assassins are also in position. The same angels who know how to do this to devils for doing less than these devils.
1 angel vs 185,000. 
2 Kings Chp 19 v 35
Isaiah Chp 37 v 36

DWP, legal/advice centres, etc, engineering ways (using stalling tactics with our claims) to make sure we receive no money to repeat what they've done before when they caused us to have no food, become malnourished and Viviane ended up in hospital and B & Zee stayed with an aunt. Perpetrators aiming to bring about malnourishment, sickness after torturing and sleep deprivation has taken its toll. Details in Anamuah Family ECHR Case File:
Page 14 of PDF titled “_Page 03” in folder “01 ECHR Application Form”

Just in case Satanists/Luciferian devil worshippers in the guise of mental health workers / police etc, come kicking our front door down and or arrest us for nothing again or we go missing, you all know why.

Friday 13 December 2019

Our note to landlord:

More Satanic Insanity

This is how the post was delivered to us yesterday:

Front, back & top

Right side, base & left side

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Statement made on the phone to Darriel of Wolverhampton Jobcentre on Monday 23 December 2019 by Viviane Anamuah re: that day’s missed appointments for Viviane, Ben & Rachael Anamuah

1. We are taking our safety and security seriously. Our safety and security is paramount.

2. We have no way of knowing if our attending the Universal Credit interview is another set up for you or whoever else to call the police [as Wembley Jobcentre did in January 2005] and paramedics on us as you did (Wolverhampton Jobcentre) 2½ weeks ago, for no reason and without asking/informing us – breaching the data protection act and violating our privacy.

3. Various individuals in high and low positions know exactly what has been/is going on for us to be a targeted family by organisations and influential individuals.

4. If paramedics and police are called after use of microwave/electromagnetic weapons to cause any collapse/seizure at the Wolverhampton Jobcentre would be a precursor to getting us carted off to hospital/police cells for various medical and other abuses to take place.

5. If after this statement to you Wolverhampton Jobcentre, the police and/or paramedics turn up at our home again, it will be further proof of serious misfeasance and malfeasance in public office by Wolverhampton Jobcentre, Department for Work & Pensions, the British Government and others working together to cause us serious psychological, emotional and physical harm in their determination to unethically, immorally, illegally obtain various tissue – blood, organs, etc, etc, from us by any means necessary, by force and with false claims of 1, 2 or all 3 of us having suffered a seizure. 

6. We have made these and other statements in writing, verbally and in person to various national and international organisations. This ongoing situation is very real and verified by various officials including Ken Livingstone MP, UK solicitors, UK barristers and a UN Investigator.

7. We are aware of the need to be practical, we do not have any money.

8. We are also having to put our safety and security first due to our very real experiences, history of being a targeted family for reasons including the aforementioned corrupt medical mafia & co. 

9. We are doing our best to remedy this situation urgently. We hope you will do the same.

10. Injuries of the electromagnetic microwave torture weapons are in the public domain on our blogs &

11. This situation is not of our making, as you well know since you are the ones who called the police on us 4 times in 10 days for suspect reasons and again 2½ weeks ago when the police and paramedics turned up.

12. Further use of these weapons on us will be more proof verifying what we have been saying to various embassies/diplomats in the UK and abroad, various Human Rights organisations in the UK and abroad, the African Union, the United Nations and European Court of Human Rights who have our case papers.

13. The Crawford Medical Centre, Wembley, London and Park Royal Hospital did not steal vials of blood from Viviane for no reason. Our medical, dental and optometrist records did not all go missing [in 1996/97] for no reason. We are not, have never been and never will be volunteer organ or blood donors and the attempt to obtain them by the British Government or anyone else is criminal and corrupt and incurs a long prison sentence or worse for all involved [according to Military Tribunals]. Further information by reputable investigators of how people’s medical records and DNA is sold by the UK Government along with sex and organ trafficking can be found on our blog [ & and here:].

14. I would be happy to put this all in writing including the links to previously mentioned information. We can vouch for everything we have said including we are who we say we are.

15. It is a criminal offence to be part of a criminal conspiracy, which this is.
End of statement by Viviane Anamuah with Ben & Rachael Anamuah.

The Most High God who sees and knows all is the Highest Judge, Witness, Jury and Executioner. Amen and Amen. 

Wednesday 25 March 2020 - 13:51hrs

In light of what is going on now, if you are a targeted individual, group, family or anyone else like us, be mindful. As some of you already know the authorities can, have and are able to cause tickling in the throat and force coughing with their torture/electromagnetic etc weapons remotely to falsely imitate, mimic, imply whatever they want e.g. coronavirus/flu etc symptoms. I, Viviane can vouch for that because they've done it to me before and just a few minutes ago. No need to guess why.

Monday 18 May 2020 - 19:48hrs

At this time of the Coronavirus lockdown, everything stops except the daily/nightly torturing. It's business as usual as far as that's concerned to incarcerate upon a seizure, keep Viviane in pain, chronically fatigue/incapacitate, mess up nervous and circulatory systems, prematurely slow kill etc with cumulative effects of organised attacks via constant low frequency radiation done remotely; trying to hide themselves, their evil as usual. We're obviously not the only ones still being targeted by psychopathic homicidal maniacs.

Radiation burns on Viviane's left arm again; front, side, back:

Thursday 21 May 2020 - 16:18hrs

Thursday 11 June 2020

Been checking out vids on firearms etc, for a few years and more recently.

Yesterday June 05 been checking out body armour website for first time. 

Same day, straight after checking out body armour, vids about renowned military sniper sent one after the other to home page list & "recommended for you" vids.

06 June 13:09 sent vid titled “Shoot to Kill” i.e. the head (where the body armour doesn’t cover):

Being shot with their electromag etc, torture weapons to the chest, heart, left arm, hand, brain, neck, back etc, is what causes pain, sleep deprivation/‘insomnia’ (no sleep to aid rest and repair time) and ‘inflammation’ especially of the heart muscle, cardiovascular system etc.; not the timed rubbish lies in news article pictured below, published 06 June 2020. Synchronised with everything else going on that we've mentioned above and other things we've said out loud to the criminals behind all this, obsessively watching and listening with their covert surveillance in every home we've lived in since around 1989.

News article published 06 June 2020

Thursday 11 June 2020 10:36hrs

All 3 of us are still pulling together, supporting each other and sticking by The Most High.

Daily and nightly hits to left side back of brain/head, top of left arm esp. where arm joins top of shoulder to affect inside area to do with heart, muscles & nerves, circulatory system in whole left side to facilitate stroke and serious paralysis. 
Electromagnetic neurological weapons  used to do all the above and more to cause pain and inflammation in chest all over back, palms, fingers and backs of hands, shins, calves, feet, bones, joints etc. etc. i.e all over in and outside body gets hit in rotation, done systematically to degrade/deteriorate overall physical (& mental health they hope) and gradual disability on purpose by force, cause fatigue/burnout (hence timed message sent in thumbnail below “Are you tired yet?”) and psychopaths never ever stop, always try covert means to hide their evil by lowering frequency of torture in hopes of remaining undetected by anyone or anything monitoring their activities with these silent weapons. 

They use constant hits on low frequency to compensate for the slower damage instead of the more rapid damage harder and frequent torture would create. They must be trying to hide their torturing activities from monitors. They must be more bloodthirsty, sadistic & psychopathic than intelligent and prefer it that way. They never stop, always come back, always carry on relentlessly just like the fires of hell they are going to. They think they're desperate now. What are they gonna be then? 

These cold-blooded killers are murdering Black, especially Hebrew Israelite men, women and children for our blood, bodies, organs, genes, DNA and stem cells in the hope they’ll live longer, healthier lives. In like manner, our parasitical, vampiric haters have been busy trying to find various ways to obtain our reproductive organs / tissue etc. in order to create petri dish test tube embryos, babies (IVF etc.) that they can further share amongst themselves, use and abuse for ‘research’, ‘experiments’ from cradle to grave, they hope; so hound us for our genes wherever we go whether we’re in the UK or abroad in Ghana - as happened before. This is all done under the watchful gaze of our Heavenly Father and His recording angels and they expect to serve no time in His jail / hell! Real justice, not fake justice as we've been having in this system.

The Most High God Creator of the heavens, earth and hell never ceases or weakens in his omnipotence. The undeserved suffering these wild beasts inflict upon others; The Highest Intelligence, All Powerful, All Mighty, mighty over all knows how to do to them but many, many times, infinitely better. HalleluYah! Hallelu Yah!!

As mentioned above, 10 June 10:08 was sent vid titled “Are you tired yet?”

Shabbat 11 July 2020

Around 8:00 am (poss. a bit later or earlier cos didn't check time) devils use their torture weapons to remotely hit Zee (Rachael) in top of her head to cause pain/sensation in her brain internally and simultaneously hit tips of 2 middle fingers of left hand to cause sharp shock pricking pain sensation. Devils keep proving they're all the same, in it together (esp. White people running things and those that follow them) cos all no good evil etc. otherwise torturing etc. wouldn't still be going on all these 30 and more years. They have no justification whatsoever, no legitimate reason to do everything & anything they keep doing to us; why are they in our business at all stalking us wherever we go, obsessing over everything we do, think or say, ogling, spying on us 24/7 - why this obsessive need to have us in their twisted control and lives by force? The Most High is fully aware of them, their motives, origins etc. and he is obviously, definitely not with them. Their true colours/nature are seen by all cos they do not have right on their side, we do, so as usual we leave them to the Most High and His angelic assassins to deal with them as and when He/they see fit. Thank you Heavenly Father for making our enemies your enemies and keeping us all these years. Thank you for our brother Yahshaiah Messiah. Thank you our Yahshaiah Messiah for coming before, thank you for coming back to kill off the rest of the devils left over. Thank you Abba Yahowah for helping us and others to see through these evil devils. Thank you for you said the battle is not ours but yours to deal with, that these wild beasts born to be captured and killed will be paid with suffering for the suffering they have caused and that for touching the apple of your eye, by the time you've finished with them they would feel that it would have been better if they'd tied millstones around their necks and drowned themselves. We know you ain't lying, never lie. Thank you Abba Yahowah. Amen & Amen

Wednesday 29 July 2020

As in the days of Noah

Ad sent to phone as I (Viviane) was having a little light relief playing a game, early hours of this morning 01:08hrs (not allowed to sleep as usual):

Devils still determined to do their evil, as usual so they can create robotic Satanic soulless psychopathic life forms like them and not be on their own in the hell they know they deserve.  

Around 12:45hrs this afternoon (Wednesday) watched Mag Bitter Truth’s vid “The New World Order Human DNA ‘Designing’ Exposed”.
Note: featuring TEDx talk at end, note sign behind speaker “TEDxVien” i.e. Vi vien (Viviane) - i.e. TEDx and co. are down with obtaining their embryos, stem cells etc. by force, by any means necessary by using torture, stalking, persecution, stress in the hope of inducing mental illness so they can put us away and continue their evil with impunity, especially to begin with, Viviane.

Good News Bible: 1 Corinthians Chp 3 v 16 & 17: 
Surely you know that you are The Most High's temple and that His Spirit lives in you! He will destroy anyone who destroys His temple.

[31/08/2020 - This was the video referred to above (TEDx from Mag Bitter Truth's channel) which has since been removed... no need to wonder why.]

They keep craving to be the all-seeing, all-knowing all powerful God. Still trying to mask their inferiority complex by forcing their fake superiority science on us by using and abusing Black people like us who they need but hate with a venomous perpetual hatred and go out of their way to prove it every day by the way we are targeted! Even so, the real One who sees all their evil more than anybody, hates them more than they could ever hate us.

King James Bible: Revelations Chp 21 v 8:
[Good News Translation in brackets]
But the fearful [cowards], and unbelieving [traitors], and the abominable [perverts], and murderers, and whoremongers [the immoral], and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Sidenote: Tue 28 Jul 20 Leaflet re. local laundrette / laundromat put in door around 16:45hrs, about 5 hours after we put laundry in the machine to wash later in day. By 23:00hrs (11pm) our washing machine broke down, stopped working after 1 & 1/2 hours of use. Obviously not coincidence. The control freaks behind the scenes want us to go out and be around other people they have employed to do whatever. Can only surmise interference with machine was done when our belongings were with the storage company (items had been jumbled around, went missing then - that's how we know they were rummaging in our stuff in the storage unit) and device was probably placed inside washing machine in order for the timed short-circuiting, breakage, etc. to be done with the usual remote electrical interception devices that so-called alphabet agencies use to tamper with equipment, torture, surveil etc.  

This type of tactic of sabotaging our washing machine was done before whereby authority figures accessed our home when we were all out and cut the pipe underneath the washing machine we had then (a robust new Zanussi). That time those devils cut the pipe (the engineer showed us the slice in the pipe criminal intruders made) and broke the floor tiles and created visible holes in the floor underneath it; they caused criminal damage for flooding to occur down to the neighbours below and they were obviously used to keep complaining about us to the local Peel Precinct, Kilburn neighbourhood council office so they could move to a more desirable set up. If interested info in case papers here:

Monday 03 August 2020 11:30hrs

Another update just in case anything happens to us, you’ll know why

Devils being their usual vindictive selves. Hits to back (esp. right side through night & this am) many hits to inside whole of chest area cos saw was getting ready to go out from about 08:00 onwards; time now 11:35 - just been continuously using sharp shocks to left temple (i.e. stroke area) as they did earlier this am when was in shower after 08:00 today. Devils want to prevent me going anywhere, making any progress in anything & everything to demoralise, depress etc by force, same shit as always; want me by force in their facility/vicinity/clutches to do all kinds of everything evil; still desperate for our genes, blood, stem cells, etc. These evil schemers and plotters obviously rape people to impregnate them by force, obviously intend to inflict extreme mental, emotional & physical torture and so on, upon us, as they've been doing for at least 30 years but behind their closed doors after incarceration. All these sadistic devils keep doing is proving publicly how the Scriptures & The Most High & we are correct about them. E.g. as we wrote above in “As in the days of Noah,” including their perpetual hatred of us as well as their hatred for The Most High Himself.

Mon 03 August 2020 20:11hrs
More hits sharp shocks to same left side forehead stroke area as devils did earlier today for same reasons they've always hit me (Viviane); to incapacitate & injure by force. Devils are going to great lengths and expense to prevent us obtaining/renewing our passports cos they're terrified we'll escape their clutches... so we're not allowed to have the tiniest break from them and their evil, ever, as far as the synagogue of satan and their cohorts are concerned.

They are seeing me back in bed hence the continuing torture hits to left side of forehead/temple & determined to carry on provoking to cause a major problem, situation, upset etc; always want to get a verbal rise from me by force with extreme targeting when they decide they're not getting one; i.e. they can't handle being ignored. They're not being ignored; The Most High God and his recording Angels are keeping tabs on everything they do to us and others that don't deserve their evil and keeping tabs on everybody like them who deserve the curses & suffering & tortuous painful deaths & eternal lake of hell fire from Him. 

21:11hrs - As we write this update, devils still carrying on hitting me (Viviane) continuously in left side of forehead as before to make area more vulnerable, to facilitate stroke, debilitating damage, e.g. loss of speech can make it extremely difficult for one to communicate with others regarding the abuses being committed against them.

Thank you Abba Yahowah for being a God of real justice & blessing those who bless us & cursing those who curse us. Thank you our brother Yahshaiah Messiah for coming before, thank you for coming back to kill off the left over devils; your enemies and ours. Thank you all you Heavenly Hosts, Angelic Assassins, Angels of War, Vengeance, Destruction & Death. Thank you Guiding & Guardian Angels. Thank you all for keeping us all these years. Amen & Amen. 

Friday 07 August 2020

I, Viviane wasn’t even going to bother upload this latest message sent to my phone at around 07:49hrs this morning because I’m not in the business of free advertising; and this subject matter they keep pushing at us is monotonous for normal people like us / you the reader, straight after Wednesday 29 July's entry. However, due to what comes next in Rachael’s own hand/diary (10:02hrs this morning); it is clear that the ads and what they did to her are linked. The criminals including the people behind the advertisement below (as usual, all in it together) are blatantly saying give us what we want – your virgin daughter, your blood, your genes, your stem cells (which they obviously know they ain’t gonna get without raping us - and is part of their plans) and anything else we want to do to all of you or else more torture, more pain, more targeting in any and every way, more persecution, more suffering, etc, etc.
These Masons, Satanists, Luciferians are proving they are evil psychopaths every time. If this was being done by Black people against White people, they would not hesitate to point out their victimhood of other people’s abominable behaviour. If we were in another Black, especially African country, they would be quick to point out their uncivilised, medieval system against defenceless people. 

Now that enough people know what’s going on, and we’re obviously not the only ones being targeted in these and other ways, please spread this information worldwide and let us see if the whole world is in agreement with these twisted criminal vampires. How come these devils are not being rounded up, imprisoned, taken out? Even if the whole world agrees with what is being done here, The Most High God does not.

(YouTube Ad - 07:49hrs Friday 07 August 2020)

You will notice the links between the barbaric behaviour and mindset highlighted today and these 3 vids. Some things don’t change:
The Willie Lynch Letter (Part 1 - 3)

Shabbat 08 August 2020 09:30hrs

02:09hrs Electromagnetic hits to Rachael's front left brain but inside & to meaty base of left thumb, simultaneously. Same type of hits as Fri 07 Aug 2020, when it was sharp needle stab sensations / pain to brain & scalp with the simultaneous deafness in both ears & sound of metal sliding fast against metal. Lasted split second, but very noticeable and invasive, coming from device being used outside of body. Friday's hits were slightly stronger, more painful.

02:18hrs Simultaneous electromagnetic hits to back of Rachael's brain & scalp at middle to right of back of head; just as Rachael was dropping off to sleep. Same type & affects as hits at 02:09hrs above.

11:30hrs Simultaneous electromagnetic hits to inside front of Rachael's brain & inside front of lower abdomen / pelvis, about 5 & 1/2 cm below navel. Same type & affects as hits at 02:09hrs i.e. sharp needle stab pain to both places and temporary deafness with sound of metal sliding fast against metal.

17:17hrs As we were sitting together doing prayers - more hits to top of Rachael's head / scalp & inside centre top of brain. Sharp pain. Same type & affects as described at 02:09hrs, 02:18hrs & 11:30hrs above, including the temporary deafness in both ears with the sound of metal sliding fast against metal.

Reasons for hits? Devils don't need a logical reason since they don't deal in logic; they deal with evil & only evil. They are not having their evil way with us so they resort to barbarism, mindless thuggery & violence. Nothing new there as recent & past history testifies.

We are seeing the height of hypocrisy at work. If we as Black people were doing these evils to their people they would have declared World War 3 a long time ago. We are not the Chibok girls - made pregnant for their stem cells for the UK / West & whoever else. We are Hebrew Israelites; the real true living descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob of The Book. We don't sell our souls, sons or daughters to the evil or anyone else. The soon return of The Messiah with the Armies of Heaven will deal with each & every one of you wild beasts soon enough if not before then. Your days are numbered. Curses and tormentuous deaths from the Most High God upon all your heads. He knows who and where you all are, near and far; you can't hide from him. Curses and excruciating painful deaths upon all your heads! Please make it so now Abba Yahowah! Thank You, Amen & Amen

Monday 14 September 2020

Another illustration of how satan’s two-faced, fork-tongued parasitical vampire children operate

Excerpts from Zee's (Rachael's) torture hit records and Viviane’s notes:

[Zee’s records]
"Thursday 10 September 2020
02:22hrs - Sharp electric needle stabs to left side of neck & to front left brain - caused sound of metal sliding fast against metal.
Seconds after above - sharp electric needle stabs to back left of brain & to scalp directly over same place - caused same metallic sound.
02:27hrs - Sharp electric needle stabs to front of brain & to forehead - caused same metallic sound."

[Viviane’s notes from 10 September 2020]
"From 07 August 2020 to today Thurs 10 Sept 2020, on average - 4 episodes of hits per night, (every night, early hours of the morning) to Zee's head, scalp, brain; to front, sides & back of head areas, as well as other hits done to her face, back, torso, shoulders, both arms, etc.

N.B. Today is same date (Thurs 10 Sept 2020 that devils, satanists, masons declaring today as World Suicide Prevention Day in news app under & Belfast Telegraph & mocking us / Zee & others being targeted by them with & without their barbaric wild beast torture weapons, '....the signs to look out for of potential suicidal victims & what steps to take').

Didn't bother read the psychopaths' fakery; just took screenshots, but psychos probably went on to say among other things that people should inform mental health, GP, Samaritans (who work for the same devils), 999, 112 etc. etc. so the same devils can be their usual abusive selves, have their evil way, rape, physically assault, drug etc. etc. All in it together as usual, as evidence/ proofs have shown for 32 years!

Devils determined to bring Zee down, make her depressed, function on the lowest possible level coz she's not weak or slave enough for them; i.e. she's too Black, too strong; the way The Most High made her so they are fucking with him every time they think they're fucking with her/us. As you, Our Heavenly Father said - these evil devils are not just targeting Zee's temple but also the apple of your eye, which is the main reason you have to destroy them, their bodies & their lives. Thank you Abba Yahowah for revealing these evil devils and their friends and their terrible destinies. We already know our destinies are not going to be the same as theirs. Thank you again Abba Yahowah for our Brother Yahshaiah. Thank you for everything you've already done, are doing now & are going to do for us and against our enemies & your enemies.

Amen & Amen."

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Notes from Monday 21 Sep 2020 - 04:26hrs

1. Protrusion on side of B's head = direct site of hits to destroy hairline directly above with remote weapons causing lopsided irregularities, i.e. obviously not male pattern baldness, all noticed when differences started between left & right sides of B's hairline esp. more pronounced on left side where devils been hitting him (around front looks different too) more coz don't like him having normal full head of hair. 

This is what they do to Black people (men & women) to give them complex etc. It's not a case of hairline naturally receding/thinning as they would like to fool us into thinking coz too many tell-tale signs of the devil's usual vindictive handiwork & they've been doing the same & worse to me for years ever since police went through our stuff (while they had us illegally detained after illegally arresting us) & made a note of hair products (& whatever else) had/used of which one was for strengthening hairline, not hair loss. Also obvious devils using whatever they've gleaned from our medical records (& dental & optometry records too) that they stole from dentist (prob given other 2 records by corrupt Betterspecs managed by white female Australian/New Zealander & Crawford Medical Centre run by same Asian Indians who've been up to all sorts of evil targeting us for white devils.) That's why they keep using fear etc. tactics in hope to invoke anxiety coz aware my medical records said "anxiety state" on sick note from GP to employers after harassment at work & alopecia areata (supposed to be due to nervous system) probably on medical records from years before. Devils think I'm probably susceptible to same (hence targeting of nervous system with neurological weapons) even though hair grew back & anxiety was managed without their dodgy methods. They hadn't managed to repeat the exact same conditions by various other persecution  - (gangstalking by UK & other foreign nationals, many different ethnicities/races including Black like us; physical attacks by strangers & neighbours, harassment by authorities by letter, in person, repeated illegal corruption from authorities using lies, relatives, acquaintances, neighbours, employers, public & private landlords, local authority councils & homeless depts. eg. Council Tax, utility & mobile network/ internet service providers, bank/building soc. Citizens Advice Bureaux, Community Legal Advice & legal aid & private solicitors, Mental Health Social Workers/psychiatrists/mental health male & female nurses, tribunals, courts, police & their complaints bodies like IPCC, St Mary's School Kilburn, St Mary's School Hendon, Education Depts. Government depts. like Home Office, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, British High Commission Ghana, supermarkets & smaller shops, public transport, Dept. for Work & Pensions & their Complaints bodies like Independent Case Examiner, Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO), Ealing Women's Aid/Refuge centre, YouTube etc. etc. etc.)

All the aforementioned & others were used to harass, persecute, violate National, European & UN human rights laws & our privacy & other human rights for decades with State-backed targeting. Opted for directed energy torture weapons with the intention of causing as much physical & psychological stress & distress/ problems as possible on all 3 of us when all other forms of persecution & harassment had been exhausted. We've been through all kinds of hell but we're still here 32/33 years later by The Most High God's power.

2. Devil agent 'postman's' job in this & other places before here to get close-up look of B hence determination to stay at door instead of just leaving delivery at door when asked to when unable to fit post through letterbox. In other place 'agent postman' deliberate loud & sudden loud banging to alarm & startle B (who they know usually answers door) out of sleep in morning so B didn't have time to put his bandana on. Devils always obsessing to get close-up look at us since we usually wear head-covering. Obviously took whatever film/picture with hidden camera (button, hand-held device, camera pen in pocket etc.) at times like that in order to decide what they want to do re. B's hairline, beard, (knee & neck pain), hair & head generally. Shows the petty things they think about & level they're on.

3. Since they use our phones to listen in on whatever we say out loud to whoever we speak to, no point asking shop assistants supervisors when they're gonna get any particular item as we used to do so that usual stalkers are forewarned & forearmed as to how they're gonna block us obtaining whatever we're after, whenever. Reason didn't get specific item/s was coz stalkers went to person after we left shop to ask what we wanted, hence not had that or other stuff on display whenever we've gone back ever since; even though the shop we went to inquire first wasn't the same shop we went to later; so not really a case of pre-empting or clever guesswork, just a case of following us around, talking to whoever, keeping tabs on us via shop assistants, (always told to keep records of our purchases when till is programmed after we ask for assistance coz of usual 'malfunction' whereupon assistant punches in whatever code to record everything we've put through tills,  especially self service ones then info is given to devils). No real smarts there, just a case of what Enoch said - "They watch to devise wickedness (& lies)"
Will proceed accordingly henceforth.

Notes from Tuesday 22 Sep 2020 - 09:19hrs

The Evil call what they do to people's bodies and minds (and lives) that they violate with their evil microwave/electromagnetic/neurological etc. torture weapons "body/behaviour modifications" - deliberately causing itching, pain, suffering, deformities (inflammation, bloating, swellings, for example), illnesses, serious long & short-term conditions without consent. They call themselves scientists. They think highly of themselves as the 'elite' level of psychologists, psychoanalysts, highly professional scholars & practitioners with the deepest & highest possible knowledge & qualifications of the subject of human nature. They fool themselves & gullible others that their way of thinking & doing things are always correct, never bettered or attainable by other 'inferior beings' outside of their 'class.' These 'professionals' are never happy unless they can laud & impose their deluded, inflated, egotistical extreme ideas, behaviour and mind games upon others. They never see clearly because they're too busy being arrogant, liars, hypocrites, plotters & schemers, fakers and false prophets. Hence, becoming their own worst enemies & architects of their own & others' destruction. Corrupt, spiritually weak and morally bankrupt people like them help, allow and join in with their madness as they listen to devils & do their dirty work; especially with their perverse obsessive surveillance and constant insane interference, mischief making and treacherous set-ups in the lives of others. Destroying themselves is deserved. Destroying others is worse than criminal; it is mass bloodthirsty barbaric genocide!

They set out to commit evil upon others before they even 'qualify' in their institutions of learning because their nature  is already predisposed to being beast-like, therefore not fully human or normal in the way they see themselves or others that they feel enmity for, that stir deep feelings of inferiority in their psyches. There is no cure for this other than to destroy that which invokes this deep feeling of inferiority in them, they think. Therein lies the genesis & creation of racism, misogyny, hatred of higher thinkers; their bottomless ever seething hatred of every category they think up... and boy do they love their categories, which is ironic since they barely understand themselves or others, evident by their stupidity & clumsiness! They obsessively ask, want to hear, know other's opinions of them, feel compelled to constantly spy on people in the hope of gaining some kind of upper hand against everyone till it gets to the point they're at now where they are warring against shadows, ghosts that don't even exist but in their own sick minds that they delude themselves as being 'superior!' It would be hilarious if they (these psychos) weren't so dangerously diabolical... satan's little soldiers running everything down for him; down down down till they hit the lowest level of hell. Wow! So clever! So intelligent! So unique! ...They wish!! They sense they're a laughing stock; but they're right about ever-ry-thing, right?! Surely they're not wrong for the first time ever! "Oh no! Father Satan!" can hear them crying. "Please Father Satan, make it not so!! We couldn't bear it, couldn't live with ourselves, could never hold our heads up ever again! Oh the shame! Shame! Woe is us! Infamy, infamy, everybody's got it in for us!!!!!"  they scream, as they beat their fists and roll about on the dirty wet floor sodden with their tears, snot & piss. "It's the end! We're doomed, finished! We failed! It's the end of us!"
Yep. You're definitely right about that!!!

Notes from Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 - 04:31hrs

So what's happening? Right now & for some months, subhumans have decided to use their torture weapons to 'modify' B's neck, head & prob jaw-line & face (sunken cheeks with noticeable protrusion on side of head, direct site of hits which were not there before they started hitting him) coz they've decided they can't get their transgender females to males to look as masculine as him, i.e his natural muscle mass makes the subhuman controllers feel inadequate so they've given up trying to model their female to male transgenders on B, (1 of the reasons they spy on/study us so closely as non-transgenders is so they can mimic us in order to try to be more convincing looking males & females & not fake) instead they've decided to 'modify' laser off the tissue/flesh/muscle mass around his neck & up the back of his head to make it in their white image of how they want Black men like B to artificially look now, so as to not intimidate, upset their transgender white, brown, yellow & Black female to male creations. They like to cause him pain with these evil weapons while they use them through the night, cause terrible aches & stiffness then carry on watching him suffer throughout the proceeding days & nights while they decide where to hit 'modify', fuck up next. As previously stated in Part 1, the tell-tale signs of the damage to B's hairline is obvious with the naked eye & in photos we recently took and regularly take of his head.

They previously targeted his knees, right hand (if not both just as they like to do to me, Viviane) coz they see him (& Zee) carrying loads of shopping in the trolley & hands & feel the need to hinder this, their strength, confidence etc. Again as they've been doing to me (targeting weapons at muscles to weaken as explained in blog pages ago) & Zee, coz we're too Black, too strong (just as TMH made us) & they get sick of it showing so much. They are vindictive & envious so they want to feel better by watching B's/our physical, (& psychological, mental, etc.) changes & decline. They probably lie & tell each other & others that he/we take steroids when all we've ever taken are multivitamins - when we could afford them. Their dad looked the same as B, i.e. had natural athletic bulk & muscle mass around his body. Are they gonna say he & other natural Black men (or women) like that are all on steroids? What irks them most is that B didn't have to work out. He & Zee had to carry a lot of shopping coz we had no car, didn't go out much due to safety & security, stalking by devils these same obsessives used. The Most High God himself decided to make us the way we are. Since these degenerates have a problem with that, they should put in a complaint to Him. They've been made aware in our blog of the precept in The Scriptures:

1 Corinthians Chp 3 v 16 & 17 - Your body is your temple. I will destroy whoever destroys (messes with, alters, tortures, scars & marks, pains & causes chronic fatigue, stress & distress, sleep deprivation, insomnia, suffering etc.) your temple.

Since they are satan's children they're not gonna take any notice of that or anything else that shows they're in the wrong are they? Our temples/ bodies include our  brains & bodies; my spine & back, knees, joints, cartilage, shoulders, arms, hands, backsides (again cos devils decided I shouldn't look the way The Most High made me, then do all sorts to get their white, brown & yellow females & mtf transgenders to try to obtain imitation Black female backsides by any artificial cosmetic means possible.)
Baphomet worshipping Satanists think it’s clever to remotely target 1 or both sides of some men’s chests to mimic their idol depicting a female chest with male genitalia. What else have they been doing to people glo-baal-ly?

It's not hard to work out why they are after our bodies, eggs, sperm, unborn children; using directed energy weapons to traumatise in the hope of totally controlling our minds & lives completely; why they go to enormous lengths & expense to enlist various races, ethnicities & nationalities in positions of influence & power, high & low in the corrupt science & medical fields especially in the stem cell & genetic 'research' fields....they call it, but it's mainly about stealing our genes for others to have babies, esp for transgenders, surrogates,  laboratories, Petri dish/test-tube experiments/mixes with everything & anything they can think of.....not just mixing up with different races but obviously primates & other animals which they've been doing to create the human/animal in the days of Noah. Those videos & articles have been circulating a long time. 

These twisted soulless life-forms hate us but have decided they 'love' our genes, intelligence, looks & prospective children so that automatically makes us their property!! To normal people that's insane, but they're not normal are they? They’ve decided they ‘love’ our genes, that they’re entitled to them, to our reproductive organs and tissue and stem cells. They’ve decided they are entitled to steal, abduct, incarcerate, enslave, cage underground, force marriage, multiply rape, abuse, experiment on, torture; cause chronic pain, incapacity and serious illnesses, poison, maim, disfigure; systematically psychologically and physically damage, disable, gang-stalk, hound, harass, persecute, stab, shoot and murder Black men, women and children for our bodies by any and every evil means. These soulless, vampiric parasites who want to bleed and drain our systems, spinal cords, etc, dry in the hope it will make them live longer - remember Atlanta child murders & ‘Incredible Hulk Woman’? They have already sold their souls & think they're gonna sell us, pass us around like the whores & pimps they obviously are; knowing we've had no real normal life because of them, that B & Zee have had no romantic relationships of any kind.....but that's also what it's about, isn't it? Getting their evil claws on fresh meat virgins that they can use & abuse; that they can MK Ultra Dr. Mengele-style, corrupt & rape to death! This is what degenerate criminals have been going around doing, even abducting unwitting, unsuspecting (especially Black men, women and children) for these and other insanities and complicit Black people are part of the hunting expeditions targeting us! This is what wild beast devils do for fun, until it's their turn to be tortured, hung drawn & quartered. 

The list of prohibited areas of our bodies (B's, Zee's & mine) re. any form of targeting, abuse or interference with remote torture weapons, include everything inside & outside our brains & bodies including our circulatory & nervous systems.) The message to these obsessive, compulsive control-freak, glorified, peeping Tom perverts is:

"Get out of our lives! You are committing very serious crimes that you should be locked up for and worse. You are all diabolical criminals & dangerous psychopaths. You deserve the worst ever punishment & that's what The Most High does - real Hell!"

But these evil creatures won't be deterred so hopefully TMH & his Angelic Assassins are already putting a complete end to them & their progeny quicker & quicker all day, every day, month, & year their evil wicked system has. Since these sub-humans will be busy in the hell they deserve soon, we carry on remembering TMH has promised to put everything (including us) right & that this is all very temporary. The evil can't say the same about their Karmic destination. Thank you Abba Yahowah for being a God of real justice.

Amen & Amen

For insight into what soulless evil sadists do to Black babies and children (including to any of the ones they want to make from us (V, B & Zee) via IVF / surrogacy, etc.), check out some of what Dave Marrow has experienced herehere and here.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

At this approaching time of Passover
Another veiled threat

The above screenshot was taken 8 days ago as soon as it showed up in Viviane’s YouTube feed. Yes... the evil torturers have been concentrating heightened painful, debilitating directed energy weapons hits to Viviane’s chest to cause heart damage and damage to related arteries, circulatory and nervous systems. The arms, back, legs, belly,  etc, are targeted daily & nightly to achieve the above heart attack and for reasons already expressed many times. For 1 of them, please refer to the 'Vivistim' article and our subsequent comments dated Friday 15 February 2013, and also the screenshot illustrating link between sleep deprivation and heart problems – which is also what they are trying to achieve by force by disrupting and preventing sleep and rest. Even our eyes are targeted causing soreness, redness and swelling of the sclera (white part of the eye). The different motives, ethnicities, creeds and colours (including Black like us) behind all this is mentioned throughout this blog. 

B & Zee are still going strong despite what they are going through, especially the direct hits being done to various parts of their bodies and this whole diabolical situation ongoing for over 32 years. We keep on keeping on with our Heavenly Father, Our Yahshaiah Messiah and the Angelic / Heavenly Hosts who are rooting for us and for those who are doing right by them. HalleluYah! Hallelu Yah!  The Most High knows who to kill and who to heal. 
Satan’s slaves already know what they deserve and what’s coming to them. Nuff said.

Quote from 2004 film Starship Troopers 2:

(Around the 1hr 17min mark)

"Poor creatures.

Why must we destroy you?

I'll tell you why.

Order is the tide of creation, but yours is a species that worships the one over the many.

You glorify your intelligence [evil, diabolical, twisted madness] because it allows you to believe anything...

that you have a destiny... that you have a right... that you have a cause...

that you are special... that you are great.

But in truth you are born insane...

and such misery cannot be allowed to spread."

For whom the cap fits... wear it!

Tuesday 06 July 2021

Another Update

While the 3 of us B, Zee & V were in the kitchen late Sunday afternoon, 4th July '21, just as we were listening to the latest “His Story vs My Story for Negroes” video by The Renaissance YouTube channel, I, Viviane was hit severely in the left side of my belly remotely with the usual torture weapons (microwave, electromagnetic, neurological etc.), causing B and Zee to have to help me up the stairs to bed. I had to use 2 electric fans to cool down.  
This is the 3rd time this has been done to Viviane. The 1st time was when a telephone appointment was ‘set-up’ with what was supposed to be with the Wolverhampton Jobcentre, to speak with them on the phone... not B or Zee, just Viviane. This fake phone call from them was late probably because all kinds of complicit people were late coordinating with each other to listen in, in real time from wherever they were. During that call I, Viviane, was severely hit to the left side of my belly causing debilitation and had to lie down as I proceeded with the call as normal, without mentioning anything that just happened to the woman on the other end, as she and the rest of the listeners probably hoped I would do, for obvious reasons.

It’s not enough for them to continuously have us under surveillance with their tech to see and hear everything we do at home (& wherever we go outside). They are not just doing these and the following things to us 3. 
We are dealing with extremely corrupt, sadistic, racist individuals in positions of power who egg each other on. Why sadistic? Because they deliberately time and inflict and target the area of the body they hit and choose the severity with which they do so.
N.B.1 Around 1996/1997 Viviane was put through all kinds of knowingly unnecessary tests (x-rays & numerous vials of blood were taken) after pains in her back that we later realised were being caused by their torture weapons; that the hospital said were caused by kidney stones they knew Viviane did not and has never had. They cause pains as a way to manipulate one to go to their hospitals, A&E/E.R. etc, then do whatever they want to you once there.
N.B.2 While everything has been locked down these last 16 months, the torturing never stopped. Why? Because evil does what evil does. The torturers probably feel vindictive because we’re still here, alive, still going.

Their aim with this fake news article is to communicate with others that they wish the vicious torture to the left side of Viviane’s belly (where there are a lot of nerves) to continue in order to get the paramedics, death hospitals, psychiatrists and pseudo scientists more involved due to their obsessive need to hold on to us; keep their tentacles / claws in our lives in order to cut us open, access us internally. This coded communication has been an ongoing tactic of theirs for years.
So they watched as Viviane went to lie down on Monday 08 February 2021 and carried on with their fake phone call from the ‘Jobcentre’ and watched as she had to be helped up the stairs to bed by B and Zee.

The above article dated Thursday 01 July '21 on Google News feed was not sent to us until today probably to make it not look too obvious that they were sending messages to others to continue doing what they already did on Sunday. They know we recognise and have said out loud how they tell each other what to think, do next, as we’ve already stated before. They are hacked into our devices and routinely use them to pass messages and instructions to each other via our emails, spam, adverts, pop-ups etc. They also use the sites they know we access or are installed on our devices.
Please note: At this time of writing it is 5 days after we speak with the PHSO Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (the same date as the above article - Thurs 01 Jul '21) re. our DWP and Hayes Jobcentre complaint and the IPOC Independent Office for Police Conduct (formerly IPCC - Independent Police Complaints Commission) re. wrongful arrests and expunging our false police records. We called to have both cases looked at again due to the deliberate malfeasance and misfeasance with both complaint investigations processes. 

As we’ve said before, regardless of what we do or don’t do, say or don’t say, whether we do and say nothing at all - the torture, targeting, surveillance and stalking even around the house continues with a vengeance; so we do as we are led by The Most High God and the evil carry on doing as they’re evil minds lead them to do since leopards never change their spots.

The news article above is just another fake news item constructed by those who know what is taking place here with the torture to Viviane’s belly and probably to others as well. The torturers are generally targeting the whole nervous system and vital organs with direct hits to Viviane’s stomach and vital organs (heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, large intestine etc.) and by the meridian points on her head, face, hands (causing nerve damage and deformity) as well as the feet and arms which they keep burning and scarring.  As stated before, they target Zee on the face, head, brain too and various points on her body and have done the same to B’s knees, neck, hairline, just as they still do to Viviane. 

The real reason we are refused our British and other passports we are eligible to have is because the authorities think we will escape their clutches. They want their pound of flesh literally not just metaphorically. These vampires still want our stem cells, eggs, DNA, genes, blood; our reproductive tissue to create soulless test tube Petri dish babies, human-animal hybrids and whatever else for whoever wants them for Frankensteinian abominations and money. They are not leaving us alone to have our own lives and children yet they want to take over our lives, minds and bodies with the intention of breeding us like animals, lab specimens for their own twisted motives. They want our bodies especially Viviane’s in a hurry because of her age. They want their revenge, to instil fear in us and others. They want us to take the blame for their own evil etc. etc. 
The evil doers behind our and other people’s suffering (many people have known for decades who they all are) still intend to carry on as long as they and we are alive and they are in desperation mode. We carry on minding our own business and they carry on trying to set us up with people they’ve selected and are determined to force upon us and force all kinds of abuses, abductions, violence, rape, pregnancies, total enslavement, persecution, serious illnesses etc. etc. upon us, also.
The British – MI5/6, Police, certain ‘Royals’ or people posing as them, politicians, psychiatrists, general practitioners/doctors, pseudo scientists, probably Tavistock Institute etc. etc. including their American and other foreign counterparts have decided to do all this for no good reason other than they are of the same Freemasonic and Satanic mindset; so if anything happens to any or all 3 of us this time, you’ll all know why. This is what we uploaded 3 weeks ago. This is what we added 5 days ago.

On a wider note – since this Corona Virus is supposed to be detectable by a higher than normal temperature, it’s important to take into consideration that the microwave, electromagnetic, neurological torture weapons are used not just to inflict pain and other things, but also to instantly raise temperature just as any microwave oven does, overheat the body and cause profuse sweating (as well as the complete opposite - cold, shivering) which can appear as a symptom of Covid-19 at airports etc. 
So if at any time one is anywhere in or outside the home these weapons are known to do all the above and worse e.g. cause seizures, collapses, falls, heart attacks, fainting etc. etc. Obviously this is another way people are taken. We refer you to the entry and video made above on 07 December 2019 about Zee being hit with their directed energy torture weapons to the inside of her head and ears prior to the paramedics and police turning up at the behest of Wolverhampton Jobcentre.

I Rachael Anamuah (Zee) would like to add some of my many experiences of being directly targeted when I was 10 and 11 in Braintcroft Primary School, Neasden, Brent in 1995 - 1996.

Painful ‘inflammation’ and blood circulation problems were caused to my hands, legs, feet and pain to my knees. We later realised it was the electromagnetic directed energy weapons. It caused difficulty in holding and using a pen and my handwriting visibly kept drastically deteriorating the longer I wrote. The teacher Ms. Hemmings drew attention to this every week, criticised and harassed me in front of the other pupils in class and encouraged their negative comments towards me.
If I wasn’t being targeted with the ‘inflammation’ in the first place, I would have been able to hold and write with a pen as normal. 

Even so, I am not excusing the rest of the targeting by humiliation and embarrassment, class bullying and assault by another pupil etc. at that school. They deliberately put me in a class a year higher than my age and within months made me sit the SAT Test over a whole year earlier than I should have and when they knew I was nowhere near the appropriate and required education level. When the predictably abysmal test results came back, the other pupils who were all a year ahead of me (and therefore the right age and education level for the test) gleefully compared their results to mine.
Later when I was in the appropriate class for my age the Headteacher Mrs. Richards put me in a higher maths group than my aptitude level, then ridiculed me in front of the group for not being able to keep up which was clearly designed to destroy my confidence and self esteem. Mrs. Richards also did this in a way that encouraged the other children to join in her weekly humiliation of me.  
They did the same with the swimming group - put me in the highest level of swimming which I had never ever done before - literally in the deep end, even though I clearly couldn’t swim. The Vale Farm sports centre instructor held weekly relay races and at first, all the team leaders wanted me on their team because I was Black and a bit bigger than the mainly Asian/Indian children. When I got stuck and was exhausted in the pool, the instructor sent 2 children to come and get me - while I clung on to the side rails in the water. After that, no one wanted me on their team! The instructor didn’t care that I was having difficulty and this went on for over 3 weeks until I asked to be moved to the intermediate level. This is just part of what took place at that time, school; which was also around the same time B was given an injection at the Willesden High School he was placed in by the SS without Viviane's (our mother's) knowledge or consent when he was 13/14.
N.B. The Social Services put me (Rachael) in that school when the authorities illegally & wrongfully (with lies) sectioned Viviane in Ealing Mental Hospital (Jan 1995 - May 1995) for 5 months from the Ealing Women's Refuge who were used to harass and isolate us with the intention of making us paranoid which didn't work so they had to lie.
Does this look normal or organised conspiracy by the authorities? Fortunately, I didn’t stay there or go to any other after that and homeschooled / self taught; later working in 2 law firms in immigration and conveyance doing the same work as the other Solicitors at the ages of 17 and 20. Unfortunately, the general torturing with these weapons to my body continues to this day. 
After my brother, Ben’s targeting by teachers in St. Mary’s Secondary School, Hendon, Barnet (where he also didn’t stay long, homeschooled / self taught), he went on to be top of his class at college in computing and accepted the offer he received from Brunel University at 21 for his chosen Computer Science Degree, but didn’t end up going because of all this targeting.

In closing, people are complicit in torturing people then blaming the causes for their condition or pain on something else. At least some fibromyalgia (which we don’t have) is knowingly being caused by directed energy, microwave, brain satellite neurological weapons.
We have never consented to any of these abuses.

When are the proper authorities going to round up these diabolical criminals and deal with them as they deserve or do normal ethical proper authorities not exist? 

Friday 09 July 2021 - 12:40hrs

Received a few minutes ago.

No notice, no consultation, no name of who this text is from. Just retaliation for saying the above 3 days ago. What are they cooking up this time? We've already made clear we don't work or go out on Saturdays (Shabbats) due to religious obligations. Since when is the Jobcentre open on Saturdays anyway? Already had instances of this Jobcentre placing falsehoods and/or backdating emails and messages on our UC accounts then secretly removing them when we queried the falsities. They just keep giving us every reason not to trust them. How are we going to be safe? All the authorities keep doing is use veiled threats and war against us for no reason.

Monday 19 July 2021

Dave Marrow - Nina Valentine on Angela S Caches - Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 

Sunday 24 April 2022 - 15:41hrs

What has the item outlined in yellow (sent 10:59 this am) got to do with the search term at the top of the screenshot? What’s the point of using the incognito mode if certain people are gonna keep coming with their crap?

Veiled threat to Viviane/us? Message to their Black, White, Brown & Yellow friends after our statements on latest court case docs re. yet another bad landlord? Probably. This is the level these criminals behind the scenes are on.
These parasites have decided we are their property, slaves, money-making merchandise. 

King James Bible: 2 Peter Chp 2 v 3:
"And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."

Their ethos is “The ends justify the means” (by any evil wicked means necessary). Their evildoing with remote torture etc. is designed to radicalise Viviane/us in the hope we lose it, become paranoid, terrified and go berserk as they’ve no doubt done to others - in other words another form of terrorism. They’ve also probably been instilling fear in others eg. that we’re loose cannons liable to go off at any moment. The hate campaign by Black people who look like us at the behest of White and other races/ethnicities behind the scenes is designed to put us off dealing with mainly Black people and all people in general; which is why they sow seeds of discord to trigger Black people’s petty resentments so they hate on us and keep us isolated, ie. divide, hate, rule and conquer tactics. 
There are 3 kinds of Black people - real conscious Black people; dumb niggers who think they’re conscious/smart and the unfortunates who've been set up to fail.
Which one are you? The Most High knows who everybody is.

Shabbat 20 May 2023 Update

The following are various screenshots sent to Viviane’s YouTube account under the dates:

Tuesday 16 May:

Friday 19 May:

Today - Shabbat 20 May 2023:

Re. above text “...surgical incisions...” it is not unknown for psychopaths to insert, inject viruses, parasites and other serums (sometimes contaminated with things like syphilis, leprosy and cancer, etc) to dampen the body’s immune system to make people more susceptible to illnesses e.g. lethal malaria (as was done to Viviane which she was supposed to die from leaving Ben and Rachael orphans in Ghana [if it wasn't for The Most High God] - September 1998 to January 1999) and terminal conditions as well as using vaccinations to deliberately cause autism, digestive disorders etc, all mentioned on this blog and in various case papers linked on this site. Not too difficult to work out why predators are after our bodies/organs etc now, is it?

In relation to what was mentioned about Alzheimer’s in the above video - see also here, here and here on this blog; written some time ago but still relevant and still part of the criminals’ goals, i.e. so they can do whatever perverted and other abuses they want and get away with it since Alzheimer’s patients (especially Black ones) are not going to be protected, helped or listened to especially if the power of speech has been badly affected; which is another one of their aims and why they don’t stop hitting us with their directed microwave energy weapons in the brain/head, especially Viviane.
Continuous DEW microwave hits to the brain plus low/no quality sleep (sleep deprivation) plus all kinds of set up situations to cause extreme stress, plus no time to rest, repair and recover equals physical and mental exhaustion, which can lead to a form of Alzheimer’s and the psychopathic perpetrators know this which is why they persist in their evil-doing.
They expected Viviane to be showing signs of ‘Alzheimer’s’ a long time ago which is why they always want to find ways to get her to speak to officials (like the Department for Work & Pensions/Jobcentres, welfare rights organisations, law/advice centres, utilities providers e.g. electricity and gas companies) on and off the phone so they can assess any brain function deterioration in order to proceed with various evil plans with force, i.e. involvement of corrupt mental health workers, authorities/individuals/practitioners, social services, law courts etc, etc. and incarceration, they hope. They listen in and record the interaction so they can obsessively analyse everything and even doctor recordings if they feel like it.

The regular pattern of illegal and wrongful sections, this time from Ealing Women’s Refuge to Ealing Mental Hospital (Jan 1995)** was the preliminary stages of their plans to do exactly as they have been doing before and since then hence the imposed memory tests to have a record of Viviane's brain function at that time to make ongoing comparisons.
**More detailed info of the corrupt, wrongful sectioning can be found in our ECHR case file application in documents named “_Page 03” and “_Page 04,” word search “Ealing.” Another good reason why we don't trust living/working with others and work from home - evil neighbours/colleagues etc are used to set us up and/or tell all kinds of lies about us. Concocting outrageous lies is how the evil try to coerce people like us to act against our best interests and force their will upon us; the more twisted their will, the more they enjoy forcing their will upon us; and the more we refuse, the more they keep coming back with a vengeance - over 3 decades now. This is akin to the act of rape not just being about the sex act but more about criminals exerting their power over others which is one of the reasons why rape is still used as a weapon of war around the world; as are various forms of physical and mental torture like the info on this blog re. directed energy microwave/neurological weapons to sleep deprive and awaken, to keep people in pain, chronically fatigue; interfere with/sabotage/hijack any professional, personal  progress etc. etc. Even though authorities of countries are knowingly breaking their own and international human rights laws they continue to sadistically torture, abuse (and worse) their civilian populations and in our experience the UK encourage foreigners of various ethnicities/races to participate in the targeting/torture by proxy wherever we as targeted individuals (a family) move to; usually known as treason.

Psychopath is another word for evil. These evil people in various positions, high and low, don’t just inflict things on other people for no reason; they are wicked and evil to the core and it shows in everything they do, say, think, feel, decide, choose etc. Even when they are trying to hide it, they remain devils in disguise to those with eyes (and ears) to see through their masquerades.
If we are so ‘affected’ by whatever they like to say at any given time, why are they desperately hounding us for our genetics, prospective offspring, blood, stem cells, organs, etc? They know we/Viviane “function on a high level” - direct quote to Viviane from more than 1 psychiatrist.
We already know who we are without anyone telling us as various achievements like this blog and case papers as well as surviving all this evil attests to. We are not apologising for being who we are/what The Most High wants us to be just because others have decided to resent us or because they feel intimidated, inferior, envious, are covetous (breaching the 10th Commandment) etc, etc, and are determined to do us down because we don’t want to join them to be further abused and exploited up close and personal instead of remotely as is still the case now. We are not interested in joining them professionally, socially, personally, in any capacity and they continue to hide behind others to encroach in our business eg relatives, landlords, estate agents, employers and so on.  
The abusers want us and what we have for themselves but they also want to destroy us and our God-given gifts - if that’s not psychopathic, what is? The Pharaoh of old who wouldn’t leave The Most High’s people alone and let them go had the same traits and we all know what happened then. 
He’s the same God now as he’s always been and he still does real justice, especially when his enemies refuse to.
Obsessive, perverted, voyeuristic groups spying on men, women and children in their homes, bathrooms etc, is a recreational activity for them just like group sex. It has nothing to do with anything professional, apart from being professional perverts.
These morally bankrupt criminals know we would have achieved a whole lot more if it wasn’t for their constant interference and hijacking, underhand machinations, duplicity, obsessive sabotaging, abuses of power, organised harassment, sadistic persecution, treachery, combative manipulations, sinister plotting, scheming, blocking and hindering of our efforts to progress professionally, personally etc. So if you’re Black reading this, experiencing/have experienced similar, now you know why if you didn't already.

A summary of what happened to the Pharaoh just before the one in the book of Exodus: 
The Book of Jasher Chp 76 various verses:

25. At that time the Lord smote Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he was afflicted with the plague of leprosy from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head; owing to the cruel treatment of the children of Israel was this plague at that time from the Lord upon Pharaoh king of Egypt.
26. For the Lord had hearkened to the prayer of his people the children of Israel, and their cry reached him on account of their hard work.
28. And when the Lord had inflicted the plague upon Pharaoh king of Egypt, he asked his wise men and sorcerers to cure him.
29. And his wise men and sorcerers said unto him, That if the blood of little children were put into the wounds he would be healed.
31. And Pharaoh's ministers went and took the infants of the children of Israel from the bosoms of their mothers by force, and they brought them to Pharaoh daily, a child each day, and the physicians killed them and applied them to the plague; thus did they all the days.
35. And at the end of ten years the Lord continued to afflict Pharaoh with destructive plagues.
36. And the Lord smote him with a bad tumour and sickness at the stomach, and that plague turned to a severe boil.
45. And the flesh of the king was torn from him, and his bones were broken and he could not ride, for this thing was from the Lord to him, for the Lord had heard the cries of his people the children of Israel and their affliction.
57. And the disorder greatly prevailed over the king, and his flesh stank like the flesh of a carcass cast upon the field in summer time, during the heat of the sun.
59. And at the end of three years, the king died, in shame, disgrace, and disgust, and his servants carried him and buried him in the sepulchre of the kings of Egypt in Zoan Mizraim.
61. For this evil was from the Lord to him, for the Lord had requited him evil for the evil which in his days he had done to Israel.

Did you know that when various authorities are made aware of ensuing, imminent crimes e.g. “I have reason to believe serious crimes are taking place / about to take place…” that the authorities/individuals become accomplices if they don’t take you seriously and the crime/s are allowed to take place after the fact? We’re not just talking financial crimes as this satanic system likes to concentrate on when convenient but also crimes that threaten life and limb, e.g. all the abuses and intended abuses that have been documented on this blog and elsewhere, in videos, websites, etc.

Video mentioned above re. psychopathy, “...don't give a shit”
The Brain of a Murderer - Are You Good Or Evil? - Horizon

2 Screenshots from 23 May 2023:

The list of specific nationalities, ethnicities, races (including Black like us) involved in targeting us for whatever is long but known by many to be headed by Nazi Mengele-type racist white people behind the scenes and not just over-ambitious obsessive psychopathic Machiavellian scientists and medics - Spiritual wickedness in high [and low] places: Ephesians 6:12.
The prolonged torture is done deliberately to trigger mood swings, depression and anger, collapse, seizures, heightened states of mental and physical stress, mental illness, which is why specific parts of the brain and head is targeted at strategic times. DEW microwave weapons are also used to cause chronic fatigue, pain, inflammation (in bone, joints and tissue), hormonal imbalances, interfere with body clock/biorhythms; abnormal menses, mimic rheumatism and arthritis; cause circulatory problems, strokes, embolisms, aneurysms, heart attacks, cancers etc etc, not just Alzheimer’s. For some months the torturers have been targeting Viviane’s eyes to make them red-raw with inflamed blood vessels then sending email ads along the lines of “...ageing eyes...” and desperately trying to curtail activities with chronic fatigue via continuous hits from their directed energy microwave weapons.

On top of all that the pseudo psycho scientists, big pharma and so-called big business capitalise on the above using data (lies/wishful thinking) they gather from all these crimes they are complicit in, including deliberately engineering poverty, evictions, street homelessness to force enslavement of all kinds including prostitution, forced relationships (with mind controllers, captors, handlers, imprisoners for domestic, baby and sex trafficking/traffickers;** pimps, drug pushers); forced breeding programmes for test tube babies, IVF, for our stem cells, cloning etc in underground and overground laboratories & hospitals worldwide. They want to use other people's body parts in the hope of prolonging their quality of life (while they actively destroy our bodies and lives) to carry on interfering, meddling and mischief-making and continue their evil abominations. Child/baby trafficking more often than not is for vampires to regularly siphon off/drink especially Black blood, because they think they’ll live younger and longer. It’s not just about child sex abuse or satanic ritual abuse but also about creating various levels of child and adult mind controlled slaves, especially with Black mtfs and ftms.

These sadistic, ruthless, predatory criminals deliberately create debt slaves, whether it’s a whole country, community, family or individual which is why we have been constantly prevented from various compensation we are owed from the police, Department for Work & Pensions and now with this latest court case with the landlord. At this present time we’ve been living on supermarket vouchers and selling whatever items of our own we can because the DWP/Jobcentre/Universal Credit have been maliciously deducting all monies apart from the rent portion since November 2021. So when we say, “Everybody’s in it together” we really do mean “E V E R Y B O D Y!” They are obsessed with us and think they own us. Egotistical misogynistic men and transgenders are encouraged to target their verbal venomous hatred for a pat on the back from massa.

As previously stated:
A barrister said “The system is against you. Just do what they want.” 
Ken Livingstone MP said “What they’re doing to you, they’ve done to so many people and they’ve been driven mad deliberately. They are vindictive people.”
The police said there was nothing they could do because it went over their heads. 
A solicitor said, “...dark forces are operating behind the scenes.”
The UN Investigator said that when they were required to work in the UK, it was referred to as “hazard duty” because “everyone is co-opted and corrupt.”

Jesus' Invasion of the Earth

Friday 09 June 2023

Regarding the mention of social services mental health department in the above call, see this paragraph.

Court case with slumlord was on Monday 05 June. Nuff people (including Black) out in force to ogle and drool, salivate like wild rabid dogs on way there and back, hence now trying to get us locked up to have their evil way with us - still in it together, still trying to condition, program us to hate all Black people. 
As Viviane said to the Judge on Monday - we are being punished for looking for and finding a Black landlord. He was made £10,400.00 richer courtesy of another council after 6 months’ street homelessness (so 1 year advance rent and 1 month rent deposit was paid in full). The usual suspects behind the scenes decided to stick their oar in as usual because we didn’t want to deal with other ethnicities/landlords after usual crap experiences. Note that it’s ok for Orientals to deal with their own; South-East Asians/Indians, Arabs to deal with their own; Whites to deal with their own, etc, etc - but the moment we as Black people try to deal with our own, all hell breaks loose. This slumlord said he was going to use some of the advance £10,400.00 to make repairs and replace items like the boiler and cooker that blew. Instead, as usual, he couldn’t wait to do whatever massa told him to including harassment, mental abuse, defamation of our characters, lies and baiting to provoke; denying us decent safe living conditions (as instructed by massa) in the hope of making us depressed, mentally ill, in a permanent state of anxiety waiting for the next thing to blow, etc.
So when some of you Black people spout how we should ‘build, buy’ with our own, and massa comes along to buy you off to mess with us, diss/isolate us... don’t blame us, The Most High God knows we tried; not just once with this landlord but with tradesmen/women, contractors, removals as well as other Black landlords and black businesses. We don’t talk the talk and then sell our souls; we wouldn’t be in this position of continuous persecution and repeated unlawful, illegal evictions and street homelessness if we did.

Monday 12 June 2023

Meanwhile, the torturing continues with a vengeance.
Remote surveillance - They watch (& listen) to devise and time their evil, wickedness, crimes and lies in words and deeds; by omission, commission, distortion etc - similar to what Enoch said.

Thursday 05 October 2023

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Another Update from Yoziki!

Re. 1h 47mins 05secs to 1:47:17

Good News Bible: Mark Chp 12 v 38-40:
'As he taught them, he said, “Watch out for the teachers of the Law, who like to walk around in their long robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplace, who choose the reserved seats in the synagogues and the best places at feasts. They take advantage of widows and rob them of their homes, and then make a show of saying long prayers. Their punishment will be all the worse!”'

New Living Translation: Isaiah Chp 10 v 1-4:
"What sorrow awaits the unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. They deprive the poor of justice and deny the rights of the needy among my people. They prey on widows and take advantage of orphans.
What will you do when I punish you, when I send disaster upon you from a distant land?
To whom will you turn for help? Where will your treasures be safe?
You will stumble along as prisoners or lie among the dead. But even then the Lord’s anger will not be satisfied.
His fist is still poised to strike."

Friday 03 November 2023

Warning - People in Maryland should be careful for these human Trafficking Kidnapping vans

Monday 18 December 2023

The Weaponization of Public Services and Safety Seven London UK

Slavery Under A New Game - Seven London UK

Scientific Definition Good vs Evil Know Your Enemy

Wednesday 20 December 2023

3 Calls with Wolverhampton Council Re. Mainly Boiler Situation – No Hot Water or Heating, etc 

3 calls with individuals at Wolverhampton Council re. mainly boiler situation that gas boiler engineers/company & Wolverhampton Out of Hours said council should treat as urgent with a full house inspection due to other safety hazards and disrepair.

The first 2 are examples of weaponized council services being used e.g. Common Purpose, psychological mental abuse tactics.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

14:11hrs Steve – Wolverhampton Private Sector Housing Officer

14:56hrs William Humphries – Service Manager of Wolverhampton Private Sector Housing

17:09hrs Craig – Wolverhampton Council Out of Hours Emergency line operator

N.B.: Saturday 16 December 2023
Gas Boiler Engineer company (AR) said that Wolverhampton Council “will fine and prosecute the landlord if he doesn’t fix the boiler situation in 2 weeks”

Saturday 16 December 2023
Wolverhampton Council Out of Hours Emergency line operator A. said to contact the main number for Wolverhampton Council to “investigate the landlord”
We will see.

Sunday 21 January 2024

Thursday 01 February 2024

Yoziki! Update 01 February 2024

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Phone Calls of 25 January 2024 Re. Council Tax Summons Letter

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Gangstalking (the information you need)

Friday 24 May 2024

This is the latest in a long line of satanic madness - what desperate, bloodthirsty Satanists are doing/directing at us now. This is how Viviane's personal ID documents were returned to us/arrived today; obviously for the purpose of instilling paranoia, fear, etc, etc; more evidence that we are obviously not safe, especially Viviane. 

These come 1 day after first time out on 
errands/shopping since February because we know what we always get in the way of stalkers, oglers, etc. 
Psychopaths are keen to prove the personal vendetta they have against us/Viviane for extremely evil motives already shown, proven in this blog; still determined to commit worse crimes, worse inhumane and degrading treatment, trafficking, rape, etc, still after our organs, reproductive tissue etc, etc, by force/any means necessary, even if it means causing whatever seizure/s (with whatever directed energy, microwave weapons, etc), for specific, corrupt and twisted medics/hospitals etc, to be involved in extracting whoever for whatever.

Ben's docs also arrived back today and appear to be in order. We are awaiting Rachael's.
Thank you.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Received Rachael's ID back this a.m. Nuff said.

Monday 12 August 2024

Here we go again.
Envelope was put in our door around 11:03 this morning.
All in it together.
They're desperate to prove they are obsessive psychopathic predators and that we are not safe from them.
The Most High God and Heavenly Angels etc, see and know all and act on it.
Click to enlarge
               Click to enlarge

The Book of Enoch  Chp 99 v 15 & 16:
"Woe to them who work unrighteousness and aid oppression,
And slay their neighbours until the day of the great judgment.
For He will cast down your glory,
And bring affliction on your hearts,
And will arouse the spirit of His indignation, to destroy you all with the sword;
And all the righteous and holy will remember your sins."

The Book of Enoch Chp 103 v 5 - 8:
"Woe to you, ye sinners, when ye die in your sins,
And those who are like you say regarding you:
‘Blessed are they, the sinners: they have seen all their days.
And now they have died in prosperity and in riches, And have not seen tribulation or murder in their life; And they have died in honour, and judgement has not been executed on them during their life.’
Know ye, that their souls will be made to descend into Sheol, and they will become wretched and great will be their tribulation.
And into darkness and chains and a burning fire, where there is grievous condemnation, will your spirits enter; and there will be grievous condemnation for the generations of the world.
Woe to you, for ye shall have no peace."

King James Bible: Exodus Chp 15 v 3:
The Most High God is a man of war: Yahowah is [one of] his name[s].

King James Bible: Revelation Chp 22 v 11 & 12:
"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." - thus saith The Messiah and The Original One True Godfather.